July Compass 

July Main Topics

Self Expression
Public Speaking


Book Study

2024 - The Creative Way Of Being - Rick Rubin - Link: Reading Schedule
2023 - 10X Is Easier Than 2X - How World Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less
2022 - Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament -


Daily CoachCast
GIDN - Journal 
Morning 7 Ps
MorningCoach® Life Wheel Tool





Standard Week Set-Up

Monday: Organization & Structure
Tuesday: Book Study or Personal Development
Wednesday: Metaphysics & Business
Thursday: Ask JB
Friday: Overcoming Fear & Resistance or Prosperity
Saturday: Systems & Teams (Moving Day)
Sunday: Empowerment or Spirituality (Winning Day)

Weekly Topics

Week 1: Self Expression
Week 2: Creativity
Week 3: Communication
Week 4: Public Speaking

Medical Health Care professionals

Get It Done - NOW! PDCA CHECK/ACT Month

Stay focused on your plan this month; we keep working on your Sacred 6 and the daily tasks at hand. Keep checking boxes.

ILD Topics This Month

Freedom & Business

This month we will be discussing how to add more lifestyle to your business.