Applying What You Have Learned
Mar 06, 2023We can learn many things in life, but the real challenge is to apply them and see results. This is especially true when learning about things that can benefit us greatly in our careers and fulfilling our goals. This blog post will discuss applying your knowledge to get better results. We will also share some tips on how you can do this effectively.
To know something is one thing; to apply it is another.
There are so many things to learn in life. It is even more so in our age of technology nowadays, where information is more accessible, and we have access to more kinds of data than before. We also have more means to learn, such as acquiring new knowledge online and accessing them through various devices like cell phones and computers. We are free to choose what we want to know.
Learning can be a two-step process. Knowing about something is the first, and we can read about something or get taught by somebody about new skills or any body of knowledge. The second part is applying what we have learned. Unfortunately, some people only stop at the first step of knowing about something, and that's it. The knowledge stays in their head but doesn't get applied in any way. For learning to be truly effective, one must apply what they have learned to make the most out of it. Only through application can we reap the possible benefits of what we know and use them to fulfill our goals and improve. Various things can help us realize the potential of what we know, and it will be good to turn them into habits.
1. Identify the benefit you can gain from knowing something
We can learn so much information that it can get overwhelming if we try to learn so much. The trick is to understand what bodies of knowledge can benefit our goals and values. You don't have to know everything that can be learned; pick only those that will have something to do with what you want and deem beneficial. When you know your reason and the benefits you can gain from learning something, acting upon what you learn and applying it in real life becomes more accessible. You know you can get something out of what you learn, so you will feel more inclined to take action and try seeing what skill or idea you can create out of what you know.
2. Take down notes of what you learn
Remember when you were in school, and you perhaps were told to take notes of what your teacher taught you? One can benefit significantly from note-taking, which you can keep doing well after graduating. It's an activity that helps you remember what you learn and turns your learning into physical form. You can have something to look back at to remember what you learned and have a reference when you decide to take action and try applying what you learned finally. It can be challenging to remember everything from only your mind, so having something to read will make it easier to note essential information and apply them in your life.
3. Don't be afraid to fail
Many things can happen when trying to apply new things from what we learn. Mistakes can occur, new opportunities may open, we may develop new habits, see things in a different light, etc. Whatever happens, we can succeed or fail at what we are trying to do. Some may fear failure, so what they learn stays in their heads and never gets applied. It is good to have a mindset that if you are trying something new, it's normal to experience failures. You won't immediately become a master when starting. Instead, you can try different approaches until something works and you succeed. Do not fear failure and instead treat every failing instance as a learning experience for you to improve.
4. Keep practicing
In conjunction with accepting failure as part of learning, one must keep practicing and trying until success is achieved. Do not expect to get something right away when starting; it may take several tries before you understand what you have learned and apply them flawlessly. What is essential is that you keep trying until you achieve your desired result. Learn what works and what is not, and treat each failure as a chance to improve yourself.
5. Track progress
It can be challenging to know how much you are improving and learning if you don't have some way of measuring your progress. You will be more encouraged to keep trying and understanding if you can see improvements in what you are doing and trying to achieve. You can try having somebody review your output or time yourself and see how much faster you can do something compared to before. If quantifiable statistics can be applied to check your work, use them to measure your progress. You will better grasp your improvement if you see how much you are growing.
6. Have someone mentor or guide you
Trying to learn something independently can be difficult as you may not know if you are doing the right thing. Having someone teach you and act as a guide or mentor can prove beneficial. Another person can be your accountability partner if you fail to commit to what you want to do. Having somebody who became successful before at what you are trying to do is a great help because they know the ins and outs of what you are trying to achieve and can show you the proper methods immediately. You will also have someone who can encourage and motivate you if you feel down and frustrated.
7. Review and understand your learnings well
Everything might not be clear on your first reading of whatever you are trying to learn and apply, which can be why you may not successfully use your knowledge. If you have notes or any copy of the information that applies to what you are trying to do, go back to them and review the principles and ideas. You may have missed some vital information or did not understand things clearly in your initial study. Consulting with the help of a subject-matter expert can also help you understand things better. Once you know something better, you can implement better strategies to apply your knowledge and achieve success.
Knowing things may not be enough; you may also have to apply them.
Some kinds of information can be trivial, and we can learn about them for the sake of knowing. Today, we can get bombarded with many different types of information about various things, but not all will help us fulfill our goals. Therefore, it is essential to sort out what we need to know and learn about what can teach us new skills and ideas to help us prosper. Prioritize those that can help us fulfill our long and short-term goals and anything that can help us grow and flourish. Of course, it is also okay to learn about anything else if you have the time and interest to know them since they may come in handy in the future. However, it would be best not to let essential knowledge stay only as ideas in your head, as many must be applied to make the most out of them. You can keep trying various methods to apply what you have learned, enlist the help of others to aid you and keep at it until you succeed.