Basic Technology Skills Everyone Should Know
May 04, 2023Technology has become an increasingly integral part of our lives, yet not everyone knows how to use it effectively. Learning the basics of technology can be incredibly beneficial, allowing us to navigate our devices more efficiently and even providing a few career advantages. This blog post will explore some of the most basic technical skills everyone should know to make our lives easier and more productive.
Everyone should possess some basic tech skills.
Technology is when humans apply their knowledge and create various things to aid us in different applications. We have invented many things that changed how we do our daily activities, and the level of technology we develop advances in complexity and capabilities as time passes. By the time computers and the Internet were created, our lives had significantly been altered due to what these inventions could do. Communications, how we conduct work, and the ease with which we can do things now is thanks to what computers and the Internet can offer us. They have been integrated so much into our daily lives that one must have at least some basic knowledge of operating these advanced technologies to catch up and be competitive with life, especially if you are looking for a job. One does not need to be an expert in using computers, gadgets, and the Internet to be effective, but learning the basic skills can help open more opportunities and make one more flexible in adapting to modern life. Not everyone is tech-savvy, but anybody can know the following things to become more adept at using technologies, especially if you are a beginner in using these things or someone who was born when these things were not yet around.
1. How to turn on and off a gadget
The first thing one can learn in using modern technologies is how to turn on and off these things. Every piece of modern technology, such as a computer, cell phone, or laptop, requires power to operate from a battery or power source by plugging them through an electrical outlet. All these gadgets have a button or switch somewhere that turns them on once pressed. Therefore, one needs to know how to properly turn on and off these things for them to work correctly. Also, it does not necessarily mean that you have to press the same button you used to turn on a gadget also to turn them off. Instead, you may have to navigate somewhere in the gadget's user interface to select an option to shut down its operations, and it will turn off afterward.
2. Knowing what the various buttons and connection ports of a particular gadget do
Gadgets usually have various buttons and ports, each with specific functions. When you purchase a device, it may come with an instruction manual detailing what each button or port does, although some don't have any more manuals but instead have online versions of them, which you can find by browsing the Internet. It is vital to know what each button and port does, so you won't haphazardly do something out of nowhere and know what devices or things can go into each port, which comes in various shapes and sizes.
3. Navigating the Internet
Navigating the Internet is one of the most common things you can do with gadgets. For example, when using a computer or a cell phone, there is usually a browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox, among others, that one can use as a gateway to accessing and looking for various information or doing online activities using it. Usually, these browsers have a search engine with a text box, and one can type words in there to look for information about practically any query you can think of. From there, search results will appear, and one can click on them to navigate various websites containing information about any interest we may like. The Internet is also the technology behind specific applications and programs, such as social media, playing online games, and messaging applications. Therefore, knowing how to connect to the Internet is essential too.
4. Navigating the user interface of a computer, cell phone, or any gadget
Many gadgets have a screen where you can navigate around after turning it on. You will notice icons and various options in lists may appear once you click on things. One does not need to know everything about these icons and options, but it's good to have a general idea about what functions and operations you can do by clicking on an icon or a program. Knowing what options and things fall under each icon and where to look if you need the gadget to do something will be handy. Some devices like computers and cell phones also have a search function where you can type the particular setting or function you are looking for, so you don't have to navigate multiple menus and settings to find them.
5. Knowing how to type and where to do it
Some gadgets, like computers and cell phones, have keyboards or on-screen keyboards like touchscreens, allowing you to type different characters and form coherent words and sentences. Knowing how to type correctly is one thing, but knowing how and where to do it on a device is another. Usually, a program is created for writing important documents, such as Microsoft Office and Notepad for Windows-based systems. Various applications typically have an option where you can start typing what you need and send them to others, while websites can have textboxes for filling up the information. One can hover near these places where you can type, and there is commonly a prompt, such as a flashing vertical line, indicating you can type on them. Learning to type correctly on devices is essential because this is how we interact with them and have them perform what we need.
6. Sending e-mails and messages to others
Communication is one area that has evolved significantly thanks to modern technological advances. It is now common for people to talk with each other over vast distances through a cell phone or a computer. There are different options available on how one can communicate with another. There's e-mail, a more formal way of sending messages to one another. One can also do various things with it, such as attaching files, sending messages to multiple people at once, sorting messages through folders, and archiving messages. For more instant replies, different messaging applications exist where you can see who is online and chat with them in real-time. Communication through video is also more common now, and various applications cater to this type of communication. Learning how each messaging style works can prove to be vital in aiding us with interacting with others.
7. Navigating safely through the Internet
The online world is vast, and you can practically search for anything you want on the Internet if you know how and where to look. However, we should take caution that not everything on the Internet is safe and sound, just like the real world. Some unsavory elements lie around in the form of content that may be unsuitable to your tastes, suspicious links that can install or send viruses to your device, people who do online vices like scamming, etc. You can educate yourself on what is safe and what's not on the Internet and don't just click everything you see, especially if it looks suspicious and is not in your current interest.
8. Installing and updating software
Software refers to the various programs and applications that can be put on your computer or cellphone. They can make your devices perform different things and add more capabilities to what your gadget can do. Installing is the process of finding a source for the program, clicking it, and it will download and install afterward. Installation may also be done by plugging or putting an external device into the gadget, such as a flash drive or a compact disc. For the most part, the system automatically does installations, and there would be prompts where you have to click yes or no or pick an option, such as where to save the program. Understanding what the prompts mean is where we can educate ourselves to be familiar with what they mean and what they will do to our devices.
Updates occur more nowadays, where existing software receives additional features or fixes. Like installations, they are mostly automatic, but you will still need to do some prompts to complete the process. Reading and understanding what the prompts mean is where we can improve ourselves, so we won't panic and get confused whenever some message appears on the screen.
And while we are on the topic of installation, one can also learn how to uninstall them, which we need to do sometimes if a program doesn't serve any purpose anymore and we need extra storage space for our devices. There is usually an option or setting where you can see the list of applications installed on your device, and from there, you can uninstall any program you wish. There will also be prompts to confirm that you are sure of deleting or uninstalling an application. Learning to install and uninstall applications will allow you to add or reduce functionality for your device.
Technical skills can come in handy.
Knowledge of computers and other technological stuff is vital in navigating our modern world. As one becomes more familiar with them, we can improve our usage and learn more advanced techniques and skills in utilizing them for our benefit. Therefore, it is beneficial to be good at technical stuff if one wishes to pursue a career in information technology. Even basic technical skillsets like knowing how to use a computer will benefit the modern workplace, as many jobs now use computers for specific daily tasks. On a personal level, knowledge of computer systems and knowing your way around technology can make it easier to do things and give you more options for improving yourself. There are many resources to learn how to become better with technology. For example, searching the Internet will yield various information and media to help you become more of an expert in multiple things with technology. Improving this field of interest is a good idea since technology is a part of our daily lives, and we can only use it to improve ourselves.