How to Become a Life Coach
Oct 18, 2021If you want to become a life coach, there are several steps you can take. First and foremost, find out if this is what you want to do. It would be best if you were also sure that you have the necessary skills to coach people on their problems. If so, then it's time to get certified. Many organizations offer certification programs in life coaching; make sure the one you choose is reputable and well-respected in the industry before signing up. From there, it's just a matter of building up your business and reaching out to clients. This article will discuss how anyone can become a life coach and what one needs to learn and undergo in the process.
What is life coaching?
Life coaching is an industry that deals with solving other people's problems through a coach giving advice, help, and support. Life coaches primarily deal with helping their clients meet their goals in various areas of their life such as career, finance, relationships, health, or business. Life coaching clients are people who are seeking personal development and want to achieve more in their lives. A life coach serves as the guide to ensure the client becomes successful in meeting their goals. Life coaches conduct interviews with their clients to get to know them better and what they want to accomplish. Sessions are then worked with the client several times to ensure they follow through on what needs accomplishment. There are fees associated with life coaching services and can range from below $100 to several hundreds of dollars per hour or session, depending on the coach. Life coaching can be a lucrative career if you are really into it, but there are several things to take note of if you want to pursue this kind of career.
Who is qualified to become a life coach?
The most straightforward answer to the heading above is "anyone," well, maybe except a kid. There is no strict requirement to becoming a life coach. You can practically label yourself as one and start coaching others if you feel like it. This aspect of the life coaching industry is where the problem lies. Many life coaches are out there, but some are not qualified and do not have the proper training and certifications to do adequate coaching. Despite the industry not being universally regulated, some organizations give training and accreditation to life coaches so they would become reputable when providing their services. Anybody can be a life coach, but not everybody is a professional life coach. There are several steps one must take into consideration to become a genuinely certified coach.
1. Figure out your specialization
In general, life coaches help other people get better in their lives, but life is such a broad category. Many life coaches narrow down their specialties in particular life areas. For example, business coaches help small business owners and entrepreneurs, while executive coaches work with C-suite company employees. Career coaches specialize in helping people make important decisions in their careers. There are also health and fitness coaches that help clients become healthy and more fit. Relationship coaches offer help to improve their client's relationships with other people. So when starting, figure out what coaching niche you are most knowledgeable about and develop your career from there. Life coaches can specialize in several areas simultaneously as it's possible that at some point, a life coach will need to touch on other life areas of their client to be able to meet their goals. Continuing education and learning new skills are essential for a life coach.
2. Get certified
One does not need a certification or license to become a life coach. However, gaining the proper training and credentials certainly puts additional weight and beef behind your title of a life coach. With how large the industry has become, you will want to get ahead of others in the competition to become a great life coach. Coaching clients prefer credentials and training since these will assure them that they will get exemplary service. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the predominant organization that gives training and accreditation programs for life coaches. An article from paperbell.com lists other organizations that can do the same thing as the ICF. If you want to become a certified life coach, these are the organizations you should be looking to get your training.
Aside from certification organizations, there are also life coach certification programs and accredited courses that give training and curriculum to a person aspiring to become a life coach. If you plan to undertake these programs, it's a good idea to do a program certified by any professional certification organization like the ICF. An article from verywellmind.com lists some of the best life coach certification programs.
If you are serious about becoming a certified professional coach, be prepared to spend some time, energy, effort, and money to become one. Life coaching programs can cost several thousands of dollars. In addition, depending on the program, you would have to spend several months or even a year training. However, it's all going to be worth it if you want your coaching business to be a reputable and successful one.
3. Start your business
Becoming a life coach means starting your own life coaching business. After all, you will charge fees for the services you are going to give to clients. Therefore, it's essential to plan how much money you will spend for your startup costs. Your expenditures can be in equipment you will use and office space if you plan to do some personal coaching without going to the Internet. You also have to decide whether you will do your coaching business primarily online, in person, or both.
If you decide to do your own business primarily online, you have to boost your online presence to have more prospective clients. Having your website, blog, and social media accounts helps a lot in marketing your business. In addition, putting your credentials under your name can help potential clients see you as a trustworthy coach.
You also have to decide how you are going to conduct your coaching practice with clients. For example, how long will you speak with them per session, how often will you meet, and how much will you charge per hour or session? These are some questions you need to decide to establish your coaching business properly.
The life coaching business: is it worth it?
Life coaching can be a very fulfilling and profitable career if you do it right. It can work as a part-time job, or you can turn it into a full-blown career. Life coaching is not just another avenue to make money. It's essential to have the right mindset and skills if you decide to enter the coaching profession. If you are the type of person that genuinely wants to help other people with their problems, and you are willing to undergo extensive training, then go for it. There is a big market for life coaches, and many people seek the assistance of someone who can guide them in accomplishing their goals. Many successful life coaches reached their fame and status by doing their life coaching practice for several years. It would be best to make your life coaching career passionate about becoming a professional life coach. You will not only care for the personal growth and professional development of your client but yours as well.