How to Get That Dream Job
Aug 30, 2021You want that dream job. Maybe you have been working in the same position for a while, and it's not fulfilling your needs anymore, or perhaps you are just starting on your career path and don't know what to do next. Either way, there are many things you can do to get your dream job. This blog post will discuss finding a niche, market yourself online, build relationships with people in the industry, and more.
What is a dream job?
A dream job is a job that allows you to do what you want to do with the additional perk of earning money. A dream job is something that will let you make full use of your talents, skills, and knowledge. In the place where you do your dream job, there's that positive atmosphere and colleagues who are capable and ready to support you. A dream job keeps you engaged and makes you want to do the job instead of dragging yourself to work every day. You might not even think of your dream job as a job. A dream job can offer you a work-life balance while also giving generous amounts of money.
Reading all the things above can make you think, yeah, right, a dream job is something that only exists in a dream due to its ideal nature. The thing is, they do exist, but it depends on how you think a dream job looks. Not all ideal conditions need to be present, but one's dream job might not be somebody else's dream job. One common thing to us is that we all can strive to get that dream job we want or even create it if we're going to. However, there are several things to take note of when it comes to landing your dream job.
1. Do some research on the company you want to work for
The dream job you are looking for might be a position in a prestigious company you want to work for as an employee. If so, you would like to do some research on the company. Find out every information you can, including company policies, culture, vision, goals, services they provide, the positions they offer, benefits and salary, reputation, etc. Nowadays, it's straightforward to get an insight into companies. However, the company website is not your only source of information. Company review websites like Glassdoor and Indeed do company reviews, including testimonials from former and current employees. Some companies also have their own social media pages, and you can see reviews from there. Even better, if you know someone working in the company you want to get into, you can ask that person to provide you some juicy info on how to work in the company, so you know what to expect.
2. Get a degree
Getting a degree is a step you must accomplish to get a better chance of getting your dream job. Most companies want to hire people who have college or university degrees. Graduating from high school is at least a minimum requirement. However, not having a degree doesn't mean you won't get your dream job anymore. Some hugely successful individuals earn millions of dollars, but they don't have a college degree, like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg. The important thing is to have that drive, entrepreneurial spirit, discipline, hard work, and willingness to learn. As early as being a kid or teenager, focus on things you love to do and align your career path. Who knows, maybe you might be able to create something that will eventually earn you a big success later on in your life.
3. Get an internship
If you are on the college degree you want, try to secure an internship at the organization you want to work for when it comes to doing your training. You will gain first-hand experience of what it's like to work for them by doing this. It's like getting a sneak peek of who the organization is. Additionally, when the time comes that you manage to secure an interview in their hiring process, there will be better chances of getting hired if they see in your resume that you have worked with them before as an intern. Even better, if you did good in your work as an intern, they might scout you and offer you a job once you finish your internship and get your college degree.
4. Networking is your best friend
Having a good social network can help you get places when it comes to finding a job, even more so if it is your dream job. Having contacts in various companies and businesses will allow you to connect and get the inside scoop on how things are going. These people might even refer you to their bosses or the HR of their respective companies so you can cast a broader net to land your dream job. You might even try sending your resume and cover letter through them and let your contacts do the rest. Nowadays, it's also easier to establish your professional status by posting your resume and credentials through websites like LinkedIn or your social media accounts. Companies do scour these websites now, so if they see you have a good resume posted, chances are you might get that dream job you have been looking for for quite some time.
5. Be confident and creative in the interview
So you managed to secure an interview with HR. Congratulations! However, this is the most critical part of the hiring process and can make or break your work for getting that dream job. You don't want to screw this up. You would like to do some research on common interview questions. It will be helpful to practice with someone you know on how you would answer such questions. Build up self-confidence so you won't get nervous during the interview. Once you are in the interview itself, talk in a way that shows who you are while maintaining that professionalism and approachable manner. Try not to do body language mannerisms that can indicate your nervousness or some other negative trait. State what you can offer and what you can do in line with what the company wants. If you can, be creative in presenting your resume to them or even delivering your answers. The goal is to make an impression while tailoring yourself well to the organization's needs.
6. Create your dream job
Your dream job may not exist in any organization out there. If that is the case, then you can make the effort of creating your dream job yourself. One example you could do this is by stating in an interview that you are the opportunity itself, this is what I can do, and this is the solution I can bring. If they get impressed, they might open a position that is tailor-made for your skills. Outside of the organizational setting, another example you can create your dream job is to pursue it by opening up a business. You can opt to create something with what you are passionate about, and this is where your entrepreneurial spirit can play a significant part. Venture out into areas where your skills and knowledge are needed. See what's relevant out there in the world and create something along those lines. You might begin something revolutionary along the way. Remember to be patient since it takes time to establish yourself if you decide to pursue your own business as your dream job. You might even have to start first working in a position that's not necessarily your dream job, but you have to do it anyway so you can save up money. Having an ample amount of savings will let you explore more opportunities if you can't find your dream job in an organizational or office setting.
Think big and land your dream job
Most of us have probably dreamt at one point of being able to do something we love while at the same time earning a good amount of money from it. Many jobs out there that have good pay might involve doing things that we don't want. On the other side, some jobs include doing things we are passionate about, but the income is not that good. A dream job is most likely something that exists in between, something that provides a work-life balance. It's different for every person. Education is essential to have before aspiring to get the job of our dreams. It also helps to have realistic expectations. No job is perfect. That dream job you thought of might have some compromises for you. Finding out what works for you can even help us believe that our jobs seem like a dream job. Don't give up quite quickly, though, and that dream job may be around the corner.