How to Have a Good Sense of Humor
Aug 19, 2022Do you sometimes feel like you need a good laugh? It turns out that having a good sense of humor is pretty important. It can make you happier, more positive, and get along well with people. This blog post will discuss what makes up a good sense of humor and give tips on developing one.
Know how to make people laugh
As they say, laughter is the best medicine. It can make you feel good, happy, and optimistic about life and improve your physical and mental health. In addition, having a good sense of humor is an excellent way to laugh and make other people happy. It can spice up your everyday conversation with people and help you get along. You can improve your communication skills and even make a career by making people laugh if you are good at making jokes. A good sense of humor can diffuse tense situations and make the atmosphere lighter, making people more at ease with each other.
Some people seem to have an innate talent for making people laugh. They can quickly tell a joke and poke fun at something that is not supposed to be funny immediately. However, a good sense of humor is not a strictly inborn talent. It's something you can learn and improve should you wish to do it. Making people laugh is no easy feat as people each have unique backgrounds and preferences. What's funny to you may not be the same for others; they may even get offended sometimes. Therefore, balance and consideration are essential when telling jokes. By doing the following things we mention and practicing, you can develop your sense of humor and reap the benefits it can bring to your life.
1. Be more optimistic and happy
It's challenging to pull off a joke and be funny when you are feeling down or are naturally more pessimistic than optimistic. However, injecting positivity into your life and knowing how to make yourself happy can make it easier to tell a funny story and express humor when communicating with others. When you are comfortable and positive, telling jokes can become more natural, and you can quickly spread the laughter with others.
2. Look at the bright side of things
Humor doesn't only come from cheery or optimistic situations. It can come out even from difficult or troubling situations. An example of this is dark or sarcastic humor. Dark humor comes from unpleasant and grim topics like death and making jokes out of such subjects. On the other hand, sarcastic humor happens when you make witty comebacks, usually accompanied by an expressionless face and deadpan tone while speaking about something that is supposed to cause bitterness or give uncomfortable feelings. Both sarcastic and dark humor are made possible by seeing the bright side of things, even on something that is supposed to be very serious. Care must be done when giving such types of jokes as there might be sensitive people who don't take laughter when making fun of dark situations. Otherwise, seeing the bright side of things can lighten the mood and help you find humor in even the direst circumstances.
3. Consider your audience
Practicing humor and making people laugh involves communicating with others. Knowing people's backgrounds and preferences would be best before making a joke. Each person may react differently to the same joke, and even two people with identical backgrounds may each have a different reaction depending on their experiences. Knowing what makes people tick and what can offend them is essential. Some jokes involve poking fun at other people's faults, miseries, or problems. While some people can tolerate this kind of comedy, others will not, so it's essential to keep this in mind when trying to improve your sense of humor. Offending somebody is the last thing you want to happen, and if it does occur, don't forget to apologize.
4. Learn, read a lot, and watch various media
Comedians may look silly and stupid to some people, but they are geniuses in their craft. For example, doing a standup comedy is no joke as you have to deliver lines without looking from a script, and the words and ideas you come up with can mostly be spontaneous and delivered on the spot. To be able to say many things and make them funny, being well-versed in various subjects can get the job done. Read books, be familiar with current events, keep up with what's trending, watch multiple shows on the TV and Internet, and learn from other comedians. And this is only the prepping phase because afterward, you also have to be good at delivering punch lines, getting witty with your speech, and practicing when to say a particular sequence. So the main point is that by being more knowledgeable and familiar with many things, you will have more sources of inspiration and creativity to pull off your jokes and be funny to others.
5. Make references
When you are well-versed in many things and engage in various hobbies that depict whatever is currently popular, it's possible to create humor by making references. Good sources of references include watching movies and TV shows, playing video games, reading the latest fiction books, or keeping up with memes and whatever modern social media phenomenon. You then remember memorable lines, gestures, and imagery from such works. Imitating and telling them to people can make them laugh, especially if the source is inherently funny. However, this is a style of humor that can only work on people who are into the same things you are getting references from for your comedy. They are the ones who will get what you say or do, hence the reference part. It may not work on people who are not into the stuff you are getting references from, but it is still a form of comedy that works for people within the niche you are targeting your humor.
6. Practice good timing
Knowing when to pull off a joke is vital, along with audience consideration. Not all situations can be made fun of, such as when a disaster hits and kills many people or during a serious political discussion. It's best to make humor during light-hearted situations, such as during breaks and downtime or when you know the people in the current situation can take a joke from you.
Timing can also refer to when you deliver the necessary punch lines. Jokes may fall flat if you immediately say the word that can trigger laughter. Delaying your response can make the joke funnier. Also, knowing when to insert a humorous line in the middle of a supposedly serious talk can deliver the comedy you intended to happen.
7. Tell the opposite of what you mean
Speaking the opposite of what you mean can make something funny. It works by going against the expectations of the audience. You say the opposite of what you think is the consensus of the people. For example, suppose you are dining with a group of friends and have a good time eating delicious food. You then ask each other what the general opinion regarding the restaurant's food is, and you all agree it's yes. However, when it's your turn to answer, you can say, "No, the food is not delicious." One glance at your clean plate without any leftovers, though, and your friends may laugh at you for saying something the opposite of what's obvious.
8. Rehearse your humor
Developing a good sense of humor is not something you can improve in just a single day. Instead, it takes effort and practice, and getting a laugh out of someone can be challenging. Try practicing with your close friends and family first, and see if they find your jokes funny. Afterward, try it with other groups of people. Practicing different humor styles for different groups can familiarize you with what jokes work and what people find funny. You can also improve your delivery and change your intonation to make yourself sound funnier. With time and effort, you can eventually become somebody who gets good with your sense of humor in a way that doesn't offend others while lightening others' moods.
Make everyday life funnier.
A good sense of humor is an excellent way to approach life better. It can make you feel better and optimistic about things overall. You also make other people feel better by making them laugh and make the world better by creating a sunny atmosphere around you and others. Your communication skills improve, and your humor can act as a bridge to connect with people. It may be challenging to make people laugh with your first attempts, but don't give up when you fail to make them laugh and try to be more creative the next time. Focusing on the lighter side of life through humor can change your perspective and help lessen stress in your life.