Practicing Good Manners
Dec 21, 2022Manners are essential in life. They can be the difference between having a good relationship with someone and having a bad one. They can also differentiate between gaining someone's respect and losing it. This blog post will discuss some of the most critical manners everyone should practice daily.
Have the proper etiquette when interacting with others
Having good manners is essential if we want to be respected by others and maintain good relationships with people. We should treat others the way we want others to treat us and don't do to others what we don't want them to do to us. Proper manners help spread kindness and compassion; others may do the same if they see you do such acts. Society will be a lot more civil if everybody treats each other with respect. Teaching good manners should ideally be implemented while we are still young so we can understand the proper conduct when interacting with people and make them a habit. It is never too late to develop good manners even when we are already adults, but it may be more challenging, as old habits can be difficult to shake. There are various examples of good manners we can practice every day, and we can try implementing them in our lives to improve social etiquette.
1. Communicate with others properly
Communicating with others is an essential part of establishing relationships with people. Our good manners can show how we interact and deal with people when speaking with them. Good conduct in communicating with people can show in various means.
- Don't hog the conversation to yourself only by discussing topics that center on you or redirecting the exchange to you. Instead, let others speak and take turns talking with each other.
- Listen when other people speak, and don't let yourself get distracted by doing something else, such as using your cell phone while somebody is talking to you.
- Choose your words wisely and avoid saying anything offensive or sensitive to others. Also, refrain from using slang or curse words unless it is something that is kind of acceptable within a social circle. In other terms, think before you speak.
- Don't interrupt when somebody is speaking. Let them finish their statements first before you start talking.
- Thank people when they do something good for you, especially if you have asked for a favor. On the other hand, say sorry when you make a mistake and do something wrong to others.
- If we want to ask a favor from others, learn to say "please" and don't be demanding as if somebody owes you. Instead, be understanding if they can't grant your request, and thank them if they do the favor.
- Address people correctly, especially the elderly. Don't just call somebody "Hey!" if you are not very close to the person. Also, don't call people names, as it can feel insulting.
2. Don't look down on others
Everybody deserves respect, and we can show good behavior by not treating others like they are below us. No matter how much prestige, achievement, or success we attain, we should remember that we are no different from any other person. We should use polite words when speaking with others as much as possible. Also, we should be mindful of our actions and think if they will affect others negatively. We should learn to respect people's privacy and know when we can interfere and not. In short, we should respect others if we want them to respect us.
3. Practice good manners online
If we can practice different manners of good conduct in real life, we should also do the same when behaving online. Unfortunately, some of us lack manners and act rudely when interacting with people, probably because we can get away with improper conduct by hiding behind a screen and fake personas, coupled with the lack of policing online. However, this kind of behavior should not be the case. How we act online can reflect who we are, so we must also behave well even if we don't exactly see who we communicate with on various websites. Thinking before we post or say anything helps, and we should consider whether what we say or post online can hurt others.
4. Help others if you can
Being helpful to others is an effective way to show good manners. Each of us will need help at some point, and people will appreciate it if you help them when they need it. We can also provide support even if people don't ask for it; we need to be more sensitive when somebody needs help. For example, holding the door open when somebody else is going to exit at the same door as you or aiding someone struggling to lift their goods are good manners. We need to be sure that we are also capable of helping others and that another person needs our aid.
5. Do things even when no one asks you to do
Doing the right thing even when others are not and doing them even when no one is telling you to exemplifies an excellent moral upbringing and the ability to show proper manners in whatever situation. Some examples include:
- Disposing of the trash others leave behind
- Letting others go first in a line, especially the elderly, if you are not in a rush and see others behind you have more urgent concerns, like having more items to pay for in a grocery.
- Cleaning the dishes that others leave behind
- Responding when others greet you
- Offering to take another person's job if you see them struggling and you have extra time to do it
- Conceding when you are in the wrong
- Cleaning rooms and stuff in your house when no one else is doing it
- Practicing proper table manners while eating, such as not using your cell phone while eating, covering your mouth if you need to pick something inside, and not talking while chewing something
- Excusing yourself when you have to do something outside of the current activity, such as when somebody calls you while in a meeting
- Compliment and encourage somebody for their success
- Turning down the volume when listening to music or watching TV in consideration of others who might get disturbed.
- Doing something nice that can make others happy
Teaching good manners should be done early
Good manners are desirable, and we should teach kids about them while they are still young so they can develop them into a habit. Then, one can be proud of becoming well-mannered and respectful, and these attitudes can help us get farther in life. People will be more willing to cooperate and lend support to those that know how to respect them and does good deeds for others. Of course, we can't be perfect and always be able to do good. Still, if the consensus of others about us is that we are someone who can practice politeness and show good manners, we can have better relationships with people. It will be easier to make friends and ask others for support if we find ourselves in a pinch. It is always helpful to see others as a mirror of ourselves; don't do anything to people you won't like done to yourself.