Practicing Punctuality
Jul 29, 2022There are many reasons to be punctual in the workplace. For one, it shows that you respect your colleagues and their time. It also demonstrates that you take your job seriously and are reliable. In addition, punctuality is often seen as a sign of professionalism. If you are always running late, people may question your work ethic and whether or not you can be counted on in the workplace. That's why it's vital to prioritize punctuality in your life. It can benefit you both at work and outside of the office.
Being chronically late is not good.
Are you the type of person who is consistently late and enjoys the adrenaline rush of trying to beat the clock to make it in time for your appointments? If yes, it might be time for a change and start incorporating punctuality as a habit. It will only bring good things to you and make you a more respectable person. There are several benefits why punctuality is an excellent skill to add to your arsenal.
- People will look up to you as someone trustworthy and reliable, especially in the workplace. And when your boss and clients see you as a punctual person, it can make you a worthy candidate for promotion or a salary increase, knowing they can rely on you to deliver work on time.
- Your relationships with people become better when you meet with them on time. It means you respect others' time and efforts, which translates to respecting them as individuals worthy of your time.
- You incur less stress and troubles when you are punctual. That's because you will be able to start things on time. However, when you are late, extra time spills over to your tasks, which may cause you not to finish them on time, affecting your other responsibilities.
- You end up having more time by being punctual. Since you can start tasks on time, you will also be able to finish them on time or even earlier. You can free yourself up later to have more time to do other things.
Time is a limited resource. A lot of it can get wasted when we're late on doing things. On the other hand, everyone gets affected when things don't proceed on time. It's not only time that gets affected by habitual tardiness. Someone who's usually late at meetings, coming to the office, or meeting up with friends to attend events can have a bad reputation with others. It signifies someone's lack of time management, discipline, and reliability. As such, if you often arrive late at whatever you have to attend to, it's time to make a change and start being punctual. Sure enough, some circumstances, such as traffic, accidents, and unforeseen events, are beyond our control and can make us late. However, punctuality is mostly within our control if only we make an effort to practice it consistently. Various things can help you become a more punctual individual.
1. Recognize the importance of punctuality
Unless one recognizes the value of punctuality, it can be challenging to practice it, especially for someone who lacks discipline and self-control. However, by being aware of the benefits that punctuality can bring to your life, such as the ones we mentioned above, there's a greater incentive to do it. So if one has a punctuality problem and wants to improve on it, start by appreciating its value in your life.
2. Get enough rest and sleep
Have trouble coming to work because you wake up late? Maybe it's because you stayed up late the previous day and watched TV shows all night or played games on your computer. When you can't control yourself from doing activities late at night, chances are you're going to get deprived of sleeping hours, and then you wake up late. Getting adequate sleep is vital to show up on time for your work.
Getting a good amount of rest is essential to arrive on time for your other appointments. It can be challenging to gather the effort and move your body around to go to meetings when you feel tired. So make it a habit to get proper rest every day to ensure you don't miss your appointments by dozing off and forgetting you have to attend something.
3. Identify how much time it takes to finish tasks
Regarding our daily tasks, it will be an excellent idea to gauge how much time it takes to complete a job. Try timing how long it takes on average to accomplish a particular task from start to finish. Knowing how long it takes to finish a job, you can manage your time better by completing them before the deadline. For example, if a specific task takes one hour to finish and you begin to work on it at 8:00 a.m., by 9:00 a.m., you should be finished already with it. Identifying the duration of tasks can help you determine whether you can afford to dilly-dally or be prompt and accomplish your job ahead of time so you can move on to the next task without delay.
4. Make allowances in your time
Unless you are a stickler for time, you may not consistently finish a job in the exact amount of time. For example, if a job takes one hour to accomplish, there may be instances when you finish it later, such as one hour and three minutes, or earlier, like 54 minutes. Therefore, when planning to accomplish your specific tasks, it will be good to make allowances, if circumstances allow, in case things don't finish on time or unforeseen events happen. An excellent example is when making trips to your appointment's destination, such as going to the office or having a job interview. Trips can be unpredictable as you may encounter variables that can change daily, such as the amount of traffic you experience. If a trip to your office takes 45 minutes on average, it won't hurt to wake up a few minutes early, let's say ten minutes earlier than usual, so you can leave your house earlier. This way, you will have extra time if something unexpected happens, such as heavier traffic than expected, and still make it to your appointments. Having allowances in time will help you adjust if things go unexpectedly from your plans.
5. Organize and prepare
Being organized can help you become more efficient and thus save your time from doing extra things like having to sort out things or looking for something, which can affect your promptness in doing things. You can save a lot of time by packing all your stuff in your bag before you sleep and going to work the next day. You don't need to panic the next day upon waking up in the morning, sorting your stuff, and looking for a missing item.
Organizing your items helps you be more efficient by knowing where something is located, so you spend less time searching. In addition, you won't get bothered with your current work, allowing you to finish them on time.
6. Utilize reminders and alarms
No matter how punctual somebody is, sometimes there will be lapses, such as oversleeping or forgetting the deadline of an activity. To ensure you are on time consistently, use reminders to help you remember that something is coming up. For example, take notes in a notebook, mark important events on a calendar, use an alarm clock to wake you up on time, and set notifications on your cellphone to remind you of essential things. Utilizing tools to remind you of time can assist you in being punctual.
7. Veer away from distractions
Distractions are hindrances that can sabotage your time. If you have an important meeting, don't waste time doing extraneous things before going on a trip. Doing things at the last minute can make you miss deadlines or arrive an hour late from your appointment time, as you never know what can happen on the road. The same thing can happen to your tasks. Putting off jobs instead of finishing them can destroy your time commitments should something happens. There can be a sudden meeting with your boss, which takes you away from your work desk, or extra work coming in to interrupt your usual routine. If something is essential, attend to it and finish it so your other work won't be affected.
8. Lessen your workload
One of the main reasons you might be rushing to finish things and not make it in time for your appointments is that there might be too many things on your workload and to-do lists. When you have to attend to so many things and have difficulties figuring out which to prioritize first, it can hurt your schedule and make you finish some of your tasks late. It won't hurt to lighten your workload by taking and doing only the jobs you can do based on your limits. Properly refuse anything extra and maybe consider doing them later. This way, you can budget your time easier and create allowances so you can attend to your tasks on time.
Being punctual is akin to respect and professionalism.
Punctuality is vital in that it can reflect a person's capacity to respect others and their competence and professionalism in conducting work. For example, being on time for your meetings and not making people wait shows that you respect other people's time and effort in attending the meeting. Punctual people also look reliable and trustworthy in the eyes of others as they can see them as people who take their work seriously and can be relied upon to finish tasks on time. As a result, everyone can work more efficiently and get things done promptly when no time gets wasted.