Things to Understand Before Engaging in Business Coaching
Sep 27, 2021The first thing you need to understand is that coaching is not for everyone. It's important to know if it's right for you before making a commitment or investing any time and money in it. Coaching is very personal and reflective, so the decision needs to be based on your situation and goals.
Some things to understand before hiring a business coach
As a business owner, you might find yourself in a tight spot at some point in your career. The problem could be a financial one, or maybe your business is not going anywhere. You turn for help from your friends or peers who have some business know-how, but you still don't get the answers you want.
You might have heard of the term "business coach" and how these people can turn the tables for many entrepreneurs and lead them to find business success. You probably have the idea of business coaching as a quick solution to your problems, but that's not how it works. It's essential to enter business coaching with the right mindset to avoid disappointment with what you get from the service.
What business coaching can't do for you
It would be easier to understand what business coaching is by knowing what kind of things this business model can't do for you. The following are some of the things that a business coach won't provide to you:
- A business coach is not a genie that can grant a wish and make all of your problems disappear in the blink of an eye. Instead, coaching is a long-term process that can take months or a year before results happen.
- A business coach won't do the work to solve your problems. Instead, a coach is a guide who would give you advice, support, and tools to overcome your challenges, but in the end, it's still you who must do the work to solve your problems.
- A business coach can't provide instant success. Whether you will be successful will depend on whether you follow what the coach tells you to do and if the business coach knows what he is doing.
- A business coach won't exactly save you. Instead, it's your legwork and effort that will dictate if your business will become a success.
If you are an entrepreneur looking for a secret ingredient or shortcut to success, think twice before getting a business coach to help you. A coaching program works by having the coach guide the client and give direction to achieve personal goals. A coach puts the bridge to cross the gap from their present situation to their ideal future. A coach is like a buddy who helps keep you on track, shows some tough love sometimes to push you out of your comfort zone, and steers you in the right direction. Coaching is a personal experience, so you must be willing to work with somebody for your personal growth and business success before engaging in such service.
Issues with business coaching
So you decided to hire a business coach, and you are ready to work with someone on your entrepreneurial journey to success. However, the coaching industry is not without its pitfalls. The major problem with coaching is the presence of "wannabe" coaches out there. Becoming a life coach doesn't require a college degree or passing a licensure exam. Professional accreditation organizations give training programs and certifications to life coaches to make them more experienced, but not all life coaches undergo training through these programs. Some coaches are self-proclaimed. Finding the right business coach to help you among a sea of business coaches can be tricky so take note of the following things so that there won't be problems later on in the coaching process should you decide to proceed.
1. False promises
When looking for a potential coach, you might come across some coaches that offer you promises, things like making you successful in your business quickly, earning six figures, or simply earning more money and sales in a short amount of time. First, pay attention to what they are saying and then think for a minute: are these the things I want to achieve in my business? If there's a mismatch, then stay clear from coaches that make these promises. It's the client's goals that need achievement, not what the coach is promising.
You could do some due diligence and research if what the coach is saying is true. Most coaches have their profiles displayed online, and there are also reviews and testimonials from past clients. You could also ask questions during the free initial consultations and verify the facts yourself.
2. Proven experience
If you are just new to trying out hiring a business coach, chances are you want to get the best coach so your investment won't go to waste. A good business coach is someone who successfully traversed the path you are still about to undertake and has the proper knowledge to run businesses. Don't invest in coaches that give advice and doesn't know much about entrepreneurship themselves. Ideally, you want a coach that belongs to a group or agency that's established for years and has the knowledge and reputation for helping their clients. An article by blog.hubspot.com lists some of the best business coaching services you can get, and these are good places to start trying business coaching. In addition, the websites provide information on how the coaches do their services, the products and tools they offer, and the experience and background of the coach.
3. The coach's motivation
Coaches also have to make a living, so you must understand why they charge a significant amount of money for their services as a potential client. However, an authentic coach does not do their services just because of money; they do it because they genuinely want to help others and they are empathic towards other's concerns. The hallmarks of a right coach that can build successful relationships with clients include:
- Sets up calls and meetings to regularly check on the client
- Provides accountability for the client
- The coach wants you to be successful
- Listens to you as a client and asks questions to know you better
- Provides a balance between being a friend you can talk to and a disciplinarian who can push you out of your comfort zone
- Will ask further questions you might not ask to probe deeper into you
- Invested in knowing more about your business to gain a better understanding of the bigger picture
- Uses proven systems and strategies that are then customized to suit the client's needs
- Gives more clarity and focus on what you need to do
- Offers alternative solutions and recommendations in case things don't work
If you find yourself talking with a prospective coach that doesn't do most of the items above, it's time to find somebody else.
Working with the right business coach
Engaging yourself in business coaching will take a considerable amount of time and money, so it's only fitting to get a coach that will work well with you and provide the results you are looking for in your business. Quick solutions and shortcuts are not part of the coaching equation. Having the right mindset and understanding of the coaching process can make a difference in handling expectations. In case you find yourself hiring the wrong one, don't be discouraged by the experience. Keep searching until you find the right one. Hiring a business coach is worth it.