What Can Make Us Forgetful?
Apr 05, 2023Do you ever forget where you put your keys or what you were just about to say? This forgetfulness is standard for most people and can be chalked up to a busy lifestyle. However, for some people, forgetfulness can be more than an occasional inconvenience; it can be a sign of something more serious. This blog post will discuss why people can become more forgetful than usual.
Reasons for memory problems
We all experience those moments when we suddenly forget about something. It can be unpleasant sometimes, such as when you need to drive your car to the office and then forget where the car keys are, or you are about to say something important to someone but suddenly forget about it. These instances of memory loss are standard, and it happens to everyone. However, when memory lapses become frequent, it can be good to know what could be causing it so that you can do something about it.
1. Stress and overwork
It's harder to concentrate when you are stressed. Your mind is distressed, so you can't focus clearly, making you forget things more easily. In addition, you can be too busy worrying about things that cloud your brain from remembering things you usually know about. Another thing that can cause memory problems is when you become tired from working too much or are too busy working on many things simultaneously.
2. Sleep deprivation
Sleep is essential for our brain health, so getting deprived of it can affect memory retention. Not getting enough sleep ruins our mood, especially after waking up. Mood changes can cause memory disorders, and it also becomes difficult to remember things when you have headaches due to lack of sleep.
3. Old age
As we grow older, it becomes inevitable that our bodies grow weaker and our organs become less efficient in performing what they do, including our brains. When the brain deteriorates, cognitive impairment occurs, and we can have more trouble remembering things. It isn't unusual for older adults to be more forgetful than younger people, so don't be surprised to find yourself forgetting things once you are an adult.
4. Side effects of certain medications
Some medications we need to take can cause memory impairment as a side effect. If you have been taking some medication recently and notice memory loss more frequently, the medicine could be causing it. This article lists some drugs that may be causes of your memory loss and recommends possible substitutions for such medications. If you have been taking any drugs on the list and notice memory loss happening more frequently, talk to a medical professional, such as a doctor, so that they can recommend something else.
5. Getting drunk
If you like drinking alcoholic drinks and getting drunk, this is one reason that can make you experience memory loss. Too much alcoholic drink intake can cause short-term memory loss, especially once the hangover sets in the next day after your drinking spree. You may want to regulate your drinking if you don't want to be forgetful of things the next day, mainly if there is a work day after the night or time you intend to indulge in alcoholic drinks.
6. Head injury
Getting into an accident and hitting your head can be one of the causes of memory loss. However, knocking your head out won't immediately lead to memory loss. The hit must be hard enough and cause significant damage to parts of the brain responsible for memories. Still, do take care and avoid getting into an accident to prevent such things from happening.
7. Sign of a more severe ailment
While the occasional memory loss may not be a cause for concern, experiencing it more frequently is, mainly if it happens in your old age. It could be a sign of dementia, which may start as a mild cognitive impairment that eventually progresses to a more severe condition. If you suspect you have one, check with a doctor at the earliest signs of memory loss to ensure if you have dementia and possibly reduce the risk of developing it by living a healthier lifestyle.
Ways to prevent memory loss
We forget about things sometimes, and it's something everyone experiences. The cost can be minor or significant, depending on what we forget, and it can be costly if we forget vital information that can affect our careers and relationships. Memory loss can be treated if the cause can be identified, or it may be irreversible if it is part of a more severe condition like Alzheimer's disease. At best, it will be good to do some practices that can improve memory while still young to reduce the chances of forgetting things. Living a healthy lifestyle, taking notes and using references to remember things, utilizing codes and mnemonic devices, continuously learning, and consciously memorizing things can keep your brain sharp and help you remember things naturally. Of course, it can't be helped that memory loss can eventually happen later in your life. Still, by living healthily and doing something to keep your brain healthy, you can enjoy more years of being able to remember things and delay the onset of more severe diseases like dementia.