What Makes Someone a Loser in Life
Nov 06, 2022What makes someone a loser in life? It is not always clear what makes someone a loser, but some might say that losers have failed at everything they have tried. Others might say that losers are those who have given up on their dreams and aspirations. This blog post will explore what makes someone a loser in life and provide some tips on how to overcome these negative characteristics.
Is life supposed to be a contest?
You have probably heard people call others a loser, and you may even have received such a remark about yourself. It makes you think that if there are losers in life, then that means there are winners, right? So, is life supposed to be some contest or game where there are winners and losers? You may then wonder why somebody would be called a loser.
Nobody is born a loser. Instead, it can develop in a person through various external circumstances and experiences in one's life. For example, experiencing multiple or consecutive failures can make one develop a loser mentality. Some may think that one becomes a loser for lacking or not achieving something. However, we believe being a loser is more about how somebody thinks and acts. People can be wealthy and have good standing in society, and yet, they can still get called a loser due to how they behave and generally think about life. Several things can indicate that one is a loser in life, and they are the following.
1. They don't think they are a loser
A real loser won't see himself as one. This kind of mentality comes from a lack of self-awareness. The word "loser" usually comes as a label from somebody else, and people will most likely not want to label themselves as such. Somebody who exhibits traits of a loser won't see their acts as wrong and will continue doing them.
2. Lack of ambition, purpose, or meaning in life
Many losers want to continue going in their daily lives without any specific direction or purpose. As a result, they may keep doing activities that don't benefit them and pursue whatever pleases them. Short-term gratification and fulfillment are the priority, and long-term planning and goal-setting are almost nonexistent. So it is no wonder losers are not interested in any long-term goals because they may see life as lacking any purpose or meaning. Also, they lack any ambition because they think they will fail or life will sabotage their dreams.
3. Pessimism
Negativity exists in almost everything for a loser. As a result, losers generally don't think too well about life, seeing it as a cruel game of suffering and punishment. They may constantly shift blame to somebody else's fault whenever something terrible happens to them. They may also keep complaining whenever things don't go their way and tend to often look at the darker side of things.
4. Engages in unhealthy habits and actions
One common interpretation of a loser is an individual who spends all day in front of a computer doing things unrelated to work or sitting on the couch watching TV while eating snacks. Of course, this is just a stereotype, but it can't be farther from the truth. Some people may spend all day doing these sedentary activities because they can't be bothered to go to work or do something productive. They can't see why they have to work or try something that can benefit them due to the negativity in their minds.
5. Closed-mindedness
Interacting and presenting your opinions to people with a loser mentality can be challenging. They can become self-centered, focusing only on their perspectives and worldview. If, for example, you present them with a way to change their behavior or offer tips to set goals, they may outright dismiss you or may listen but end up not taking your advice anyway. That's because to a loser, everybody else can be wrong, and only themselves is correct. Their views are stuck and limited, and they may refuse to change their thinking.
6. Hesitancy to do something new or change
A loser sees life in a limited scope. They may see it as something harsh and not worth striving for, perhaps because of fear of failing and resigning to the thought of giving up before even trying. As a result, a loser doesn't experience the opportunities that can help them escape their circumstances. They stick with their destructive thoughts and actions, personal growth continues to decline, and the cycle of self-pity and loser mentality continues.
7. Putting on airs
Despite possibly having zero confidence to challenge themselves and try new things, losers can still exhibit some confidence, perhaps arrogance, that tries to defend their status. Trying to pinpoint their shortcoming may result in them lashing out at you, which can lead to unruly behavior and speech. Losers may also lack empathy when trying to get what they want, so they won't see a problem using or trampling other people to achieve their desires. They may not feel grateful for what they have and can quickly blame others for their problems. They may even think of themselves highly and become proud of their actions.
How to change the loser mentality for self-improvement
Ideally, changing a loser mentality starts with ourselves. However, it can get challenging to implement any change without being aware first that, indeed, we are a loser. It's hard to admit that you are a loser, as it is pretty insulting and can make you see someone call you that as someone antagonistic. But before you start getting angry, pause and reflect on yourself if others make a point when they call you a loser. If you notice any of the things we mentioned above in yourself and others point it out, then it's a matter of accepting the truth and admitting you are a loser.
So you are a loser; the next question is, will you let yourself stay that way, or do you want to change for the better? After self-awareness comes this critical decision you have to make. If you stick with your destructive thoughts and habits, you will only continue to be a loser. On the other hand, taking a different path requires more courage, discipline, and effort, but it will all be worth it in the end. You have to do the opposite of what losers do: find your purpose and the meaning of life to you, engage in positivity, change the way you think about life and people in general, be open-minded, and don't give up after just one failure. These things won't change you overnight, and you must practice them consistently over a long time until they become a habit. Getting help and support from others can go a long way.
Remember that losers are not born; they get created. It is not a permanent state of life. It's okay sometimes to feel like you are a loser, but what's essential is that you don't let yourself get stuck being one. As long as you do not want to feel like a loser and strive for improvement, you can always overcome your predicament and come out as a winner in the end.