What Makes Someone an Introvert?
Apr 24, 2023Do you know someone who loves being alone? Someone who stays quiet in large groups and prefers to spend time with close friends rather than strangers? They may be what is known as an introvert. Unlike extroverts, who thrive in social situations, introverts often feel better when they can express themselves one-on-one or quietly reflect in solitude. Several characteristics indicate someone is an introvert, and understanding these traits can help us appreciate their need for privacy and reflection.
Causes and misconceptions about introversion
Introversion refers to the state or personality trait where somebody tends to go inward regarding their thoughts and actions. For example, a person with an introverted personality prefers to spend more time doing solitary activities because being in situations where they have to engage in too much social interaction drains their energy. Therefore, introverts tend to be quiet and alone, and while they still have social interactions with others, they tend to be done in very small groups.
There can be several reasons why someone can be an introvert. First, someone can be born introverted due to how their brains are wired in terms of reacting to external stimulation. Second, genetics may also play a role because if your parents are introverted, you can become one too. Finally, life experiences can influence one's personality and behavior as one grows up. The social environments we become immersed in and the people we interact with can affect our disposition.
Introverts may not feel comfortable being labeled or known as one due to some misconceptions about it. For example, introverts may be easily seen by others as shy people due to their preference to be alone and move away from people. Although there are similarities, shy people tend to feel that way due to social anxiety or a lack of confidence and self-esteem to approach people. It is an initial emotion that once they overcome, they won't need to experience again once they feel comfortable with others in a particular situation. Introverts, on the other hand, regularly spend time alone and away from people, but it's not necessarily because they are afraid of approaching people; that's just how they are, and they do interact with others but on a limited scale, such as talking only with one or two people instead of in a large group setting. Others may also judge introverts as people who may be experiencing some mental health problems like depression due to their social withdrawal when in fact, nothing is wrong with them. People may also be quick to label them as arrogant, mysterious, or arrogant because they can't figure out what's going on in their minds, and they may not engage in too much small talk, so judgments take precedence.
It is essential to note that introverts are like others with different personality types, such as extroverted people that are the opposites of introverts. They have different ways of spending energy and doing activities others may not enjoy. Also, being introverted doesn't mean it's absolute; people can lean on being an introvert or an extrovert depending on the situation and preference of the person. For example, at one point, someone may prefer to spend time alone to concentrate or work on something. Then, when it's time for fun, they may change to a more extroverted personality that enjoys being in social settings and interacting with others. Some are more predominantly introverted in personality type, and nothing is wrong with that. People should understand the implications of being an introvert and not make quick judgments about someone with this personality trait. As an introvert or trying to figure out if you are, several actions and behaviors indicate you are one. See if any of the following apply to you, and there are also tests out there you can try to see if you are one.
1. You socialize but only with limited people and time
One of the most common misconceptions about introverts is that they don't socialize with others. This is not true; introverts also socialize, just like most people, but they do it differently than how others, such as extroverts, do it. For many, socializing means mingling with many people in various situations and being outgoing while communicating. However, introverts do it differently: they socialize only with a limited number of people, such as one or two people and most likely their closest friends. They may also do this activity less often and in more private spaces. This can result in more intimate and heartfelt conversations due to focusing on talking with only a few people. In addition, introverts feel exhausted after being on a highly social occasion, so they need to recharge by spending some alone time.
2. You enjoy solitary activities
Introverts prefer being alone, so don't be surprised to see them doing something alone and enjoying it. Watching a movie, eating, traveling, working, or reading by themselves, playing a single-player video game, or simply meditating and concentrating alone in a private space are some examples of activities that introverts are perfectly fine doing by themselves. This doesn't mean that they don't want others to join them in what they are doing; it's just that they are perfectly capable of doing these things even without the company of people. They are not so stubborn to refuse the help of people, especially for tasks that require teamwork. Also, due to spending time alone often, introverts can become very independent and know themselves well by thinking deeply about their personality traits and capabilities and engaging in self-reflection.
3. You prefer listening or writing to talking
Spending a lot of time alone can be associated with quietness, and this can reflect how introverts interact during conversations and social situations. They are present during group discussions and meetings, but you may find them quiet most of the time and speak only when needed, or they have something urgent to tell. This is because they may prefer to listen more than talk, and you may notice them taking notes while conversations are ongoing. This preference allows them to digest more about what is being discussed, and perhaps they like to concentrate more on the ideas and concepts.
4. You have few friends, but they are close to you
If we compare an introvert to a social media profile, it's that account that only has a few followers or friends, but all of them are deeply connected and meaningful to the profile owner. While introverts may not be social butterflies like extroverts that can have many friends, they still do have friends but are limited in number. However, those few friends of introverted are people that they trust deeply and have strong connections with them. Many introverts like to have real friends compared to calling somebody a friend when they have just met them a while ago or only found them through social media. This is why they also don't interact often and only with a few people if they do; the people they are interacting with are most likely their close friends or someone they find a deep connection with while talking about something.
5. You don't want attention
While extroverts tend to enjoy the spotlight on themselves, it is the reverse for introverts. As much as possible, introverts may not like all the attention of others to be put on themselves, so they may do things that put them behind the spotlight, such as preferring to do support or behind-the-scenes work during group projects. You may find introverts not necessarily commenting on every situation they face and will like to observe more and learn from their surroundings. They are perfectly fine being assigned tasks and left to work independently to do their part in something that requires a team effort.
Introversion is not a bad thing.
Being labeled and identified as an introvert should not make us feel uncomfortable. Some of us have different means of gaining energy and enjoying our time; others should respect that. The problem is that some people don't fully understand what it means to be an introvert, and they can make it sound wrong to be like one. It isn't, and there are good points to being introverted. Focusing more of your time and energy inwards can cause you to excel in turning out work that requires creativity and independence in producing. You won't necessarily feel alone even if you are just by yourself. Deep thoughts can make you appreciate the bigger picture and be more emotionally sensitive with others. We also have to remember that some people lie in the middle of introversion and extroversion, so if we notice them being quiet and by themselves one day, it doesn't mean they always stay that way at other times. Being introverted is a way for some of us to deal with people and various activities, and as long as we accept ourselves and make others understand, there should be no problems with our daily dealings.