Who Should Be in Your Support System
Jan 06, 2023Many types of people can support us in achieving our goals and having a better life - from our families and friends to professionals such as therapists or coaches. It's essential to have a good mix of people in our support system to get the variety of help we need. This blog post will discuss who should be in your support system and why.
Creating your support network
As we go through life, we will inevitably experience challenging times, such as failures, problems, and encountering roadblocks toward our goals. We may also feel that sometimes, our efforts are insufficient to achieve what we want or get out of a predicament. However, we can benefit from a strong support system through these times.
A support system comprises various types of people that can help and support us in different ways, depending on what we need. They are the ones that we call for help when we need emotional and practical support. They are like a support team that can help us get where we want. The people that make up a support group get built over time as we meet people in various phases of our lives and establish relationships with them. We can also make an effort to meet new people by going out there and joining multiple groups of interest, both online and offline, to cater to what we need. To create a healthy support system, we should try to meet new people aside from our family and friends; otherwise, it can be challenging to expand our support systems. While family members may be a support system, sometimes they are not enough to help us, especially if we need expert help on something they can't provide. A good support system comprises people with varying expertise in different fields, especially those you may not mainly be good at. So if you want to establish a personal support system, and you should, the following are the types of people you may want to include in your group.
1. People that you trust and support you
The people in your support system should be people that you trust, and you know they got your back. Ideally, they should also be people who trust you as you are most likely part of their support group. It should be a two-way relationship where both parties trust each other so that getting help feels natural, and it wouldn't be challenging to request some support when the time comes that we need it. Friends and family members are most likely the first people that will form part of your support system as they are the ones that were there during the early part of our lives, and we know them well enough so we can trust them. However, we shouldn't limit our support networks to only friends and family, as other people with more expertise in particular fields can join our support system. It's a matter of getting to know them more and creating new relationships so we can form bonds with them and possibly make them part of our support network.
2. People who can provide you with financial support
One of the most common forms of assistance we will need during tough times is financial help. Therefore, it will be an excellent idea to have someone in your support system that is financially well and is willing to lend you money without too many strings attached and preferably not a very high interest. You are fortunate if you can find someone willing to loan you money without any interest, but you still need to pay it back, of course. Another good option is to know someone with connections who can refer you to somebody else who can help you financially. Having these people in your support system can make you more confident to make risky decisions that can pay you off if things go well. Then, you know you have a backup in case things go wrong financially. And of course, don't treat them well just because of the financial aspect, but these people can also be good friends and help you in other ways.
3. Experts in fields you are not particularly good at
No one is capable of being knowledgeable and skilled in every area. Each of us has areas of interest in which we are not very capable. Therefore, it will be handy if we know someone who can help us in areas we are weak at or are to master yet in terms of skill and knowledge. For example, suppose you are a business owner and need to set up a computer for your establishment but are not very knowledgeable about computer hardware and software. In that case, you can consult somebody in your support system who is familiar with such things. You may even get a discount or free service instead of consulting a computer professional that is not part of your support system. The same thing works for other fields of interest. For example, having a doctor or lawyer within your support team can come in handy when the time comes that you need their expertise. When building your support system, try to find people that can cover your weaknesses, so you can be more well-rounded in handling things.
4. Accountability partners
Accountability is essential when trying to achieve goals. It's good to have someone check on you to see whether you are doing the right thing or reprimand if you slack or go wrong. People in your support network, like family members and friends, may work in making you accountable, but they may go easy and tolerate your behavior when you err. Having a life coach or a mentor within your support system is good when you want to achieve your goals. They are like a friend you can rely on but can be strict about making you accountable when you work. A coach or mentor that has been through what you are trying to achieve and attained success can help, as they know the ins and outs of what you are doing and can guide you along the way.
Your support team matters
Generally speaking, aside from family members and close friends, you want people who think like you and support your goals to become part of your support system. They are the ones that can help you solve problems that you can't overcome by yourself, and they can also be there during good times, such as when you achieve success in whatever you pursue. There are various ways to form a relationship with anybody that can work in your best interest. Knowing you have people backing you can help you succeed in life more efficiently, and you can also be someone that can help another person do the same. So if things get too difficult, don't be afraid to seek support from others. If you happen not to have a strong support system, you can always work on building one, and life can feel more manageable with others for support.