Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Knowing When to Walk Away change letting go peace of mind Oct 11, 2023


Life constantly presents opportunities. Some feel meant to be; others aren't a fit. But how do you discern when something isn't right for you? Here are signs it's time to walk away.

You Feel Uninspired

If an opportunity fails to excite you, listen to that instinct. Forcing yourself through...

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Never Forget Your Past change past personal growth Jun 30, 2023

It's said that "our past should not define us, yet it should be regarded as a stepping stone and reminder of what we have achieved and endured." Though our lives constantly change, one thing never changes: our past. Revisiting the experiences of the past can give us invaluable lessons about our...

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How to Know if Something Is Not Meant for You change letting go peace of mind Jun 02, 2023

Have you ever felt like something was not meant for you? We all have those moments when we question whether or not to pursue something, and deciding if we should move forward can get complex. However, knowing if something is not meant for us doesn't have to be daunting; some key signs can help us...

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Jumping Between Jobs change success work May 30, 2023

Job hopping, or rapidly switching between jobs, can be a tricky business. Many employers and job seekers alike view this kind of career trajectory with skepticism, and rightfully so. There are potential advantages to jumping between jobs, such as building up a versatile skill set or finding more...

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Going with the Flow change future personal growth Mar 27, 2023

Life is unpredictable. We never know what will happen from one moment to the next. Sometimes, we plan and work hard for something, but it doesn't go how we want it to. Other times, something unexpected comes along, and we must go with the flow. It cannot be easy to do this, especially when things...

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Some Things Will Never Change change peace of mind personal growth Mar 15, 2023

Some things in life never change. For example, the sun will always rise in the east and set in the west. The moon will always wax and wane. And some things about human nature will never change, such as our desire to hear stories from others or our need to belong. Not changing can be interpreted...

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Things We Should Not Tolerate change negativity personal growth Mar 03, 2023

There are many things in life that we should not tolerate. These include things that put us down and prevent us from having a good life. One of the main reasons we should not take these things is because they hold us back from our full potential. However, if you don't stand up for yourself and...

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You May Be Setting Yourself Up for Failure change failure personal growth Feb 15, 2023

We all want to be successful. We work hard, put in the effort, and hope that we will achieve our goals. But sometimes, we set ourselves up for failure without even realizing it. In this blog post, we will discuss ways you may sabotage your success. Be sure to read this post carefully to start...

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How to Break a Habit change habit personal growth Feb 08, 2023

We all have them - those pesky habits that we know are bad for us but we can't seem to break them. Whether it's biting your nails, spending too much time on social media, or procrastinating, bad habits can be challenging to shake, but don't despair. There are several practical tips you can follow...

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How to Start Over Again action change personal growth Jan 24, 2023

It's not easy starting over again. On the contrary, it's one of the most challenging things we can do. After all, when we start over, we're essentially wiping the slate clean and have to rebuild everything from scratch. This can be incredibly daunting if we've gone through a significant change in...

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Midlife Crisis: Dealing with It change midlife crisis personal growth Oct 20, 2022

It's normal to feel like you're in a midlife crisis sometime during your life. After all, it's a time when we start to reflect on our past and worry about the future. For some people, this can lead to depression and anxiety. If you're feeling this way, know that you're not alone. This blog post...

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Letting Go of Things change letting go Aug 24, 2022

It can be challenging to let go of things. We often hold on to something or events that happened in the past, whether good or bad. We might not want to forget the happy memories, or we might not want to face the pain of those memories. But sometimes, we have to let go to move forward. This blog...

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