Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

What Can Make People Angry? anger emotions Jun 14, 2023

Anger can be one of the most powerful emotions in a person's life. It can be expressed outwardly or hidden away by its owner, but the underlying root cause is often the same. Knowing what can trigger someone's anger is critical to understanding ourselves and others better, so it's worth...

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What Can Make Us Lose Motivation? depression emotions motivation Jan 29, 2023

Motivation is an essential part of our lives. It keeps us going when things get tough and helps us achieve our goals. However, sometimes we can lose motivation, and it can be not easy to get it back. This blog post will discuss some things that can make us lose motivation and how to overcome...

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Signs that Somebody Is Not Okay depression emotions well-being Jan 18, 2023

We all have those moments when we're not feeling our best. Maybe we fought with a loved one or didn't get enough sleep. Whatever the reason, sometimes it's hard to hide that we're not okay. And sometimes, people around us can see it too. This blog post will discuss some signs that somebody is not...

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Controlling Anger anger management emotions Dec 07, 2022

Anger is a feeling that we all experience from time to time. It can be helpful in certain situations, such as when we need to stand up for ourselves or defend someone else. However, if it is not managed well, anger can cause us to lose control and behave in harmful ways. This blog post will...

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It's Okay to Say You Are Not Okay emotions Nov 03, 2022

We all have those days when we feel like everything is going wrong. Maybe we fought with our significant other or just got bad news. Whatever the reason, it's okay to say that you are not okay. It's more than okay. It's necessary. Telling others that you are not okay shows them that you trust...

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The Five Stages of Grief emotions grief Oct 12, 2022

We all experience grief whenever we incur a loss or a terrible event happens in our lives. Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross first proposed the five stages of grief, they are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Understanding these stages is essential to healthily working through...

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Playing the Victim Mentality emotions victim mentality Sep 30, 2022

Do you ever feel like you're just not good enough? Someone or something will always put you down no matter what you do. If so, you may be playing the victim mentality. This blog post will discuss the victim mentality, identifying it, and some tips on breaking out.

Do you have a victim complex?


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Showing Empathy to Others emotions empathy people Aug 10, 2022

We can understand their feelings and experiences when we show empathy to others. Empathy is the foundation for creating a kind and compassionate world. When we can see things from another person's perspective, it opens up communication and connection. We can learn much about someone just by...

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Is Happiness the Ultimate Goal in Life? emotions happiness personal growth purpose Aug 02, 2022

Many people believe we should strive to be happy at all times; thus, happiness is the ultimate goal of life. However, others may argue that there is more to life than just being happy. This blog post will explore the idea of happiness and discuss whether or not it is the ultimate goal in life.


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Why Is It Difficult to Say Sorry emotions honesty sorry Jun 22, 2022

We've all been in situations where we need to apologize to somebody but find ourselves struggling to do so. Maybe we're worried about how the other person will react, or we're embarrassed about what we did wrong. Whatever the reason may be, it can be difficult to say sorry. This blog post will...

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Being Honest with Yourself emotions honesty self-development Jun 21, 2022

When was the last time you were truly honest with yourself? So many of us go through life without really taking a good look at ourselves. We wear masks and put on airs, pretending to be someone we're not. It can be very damaging, both to our relationships and our careers. If you want to be...

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Overcoming Depression depression emotions recovery May 31, 2022

Depression is a mental illness that affects many people. It can cripple your life and make it difficult to do anything. However, there are ways to cope with depression and get on the road to recovery. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to overcome depression and live a happy life...

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