Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

What Can You Delegate to Others? efficiency leadership people development productivity work Jun 29, 2023

As a leader or anyone looking to maximize productivity without sacrificing quality, the key to success is delegating tasks to others. Knowing what and when to delegate is essential to become successful. While it can be challenging to let go of control, learning to divide tasks and work with others c...

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The Importance of a Leader leadership people development Oct 17, 2022

Leaders are essential in any organization. They provide direction, motivation, and guidance to employees. A good leader can make a bad situation tolerable and bring out the best of everyone's skills and talents. This blog post will discuss leaders' importance and positive impact on organizations.


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Traits of a Good Leader leadership people development Jun 02, 2022

Leadership is a critical component of success in any organization. Whether you are the CEO of a company, the manager of a team, or just a member of a project team, leading is essential. This blog post will discuss the traits that make up a good leader, so you can incorporate them into your skillset ...

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The Power of Appreciation appreciation people development positivity Apr 19, 2022

When was the last time you told someone that you appreciated them? If it's been a while, then you're not alone. Most people don't express appreciation very often. However, the power of appreciation is undeniable. When you tell someone that you appreciate them, it can motivate them to do better and m...

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Nicole Hatherly Makes Shift Happen business coach communication john cunningham member spotlight people development Jan 20, 2022

By John Cunningham

Nicole Hatherly is a natural connector and storyteller. She is in the business of value, reputation and impact. She lives in Sydney, Australia. She serves as a Global Brand Strategist, Leadership Strategist, Profile Expert, International Keynote Speaker and Facilitator, running h...

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Online Coaching and PDCA Organizational Plan With Morning Coach daily online coaching life coach organization people development personal growth Sep 30, 2021

When we think about an organizational plan, many people assume it only applies to the office. However, there are a lot of benefits and rewards for implementing one in your life outside of work. Morning Coach is here to help you with this! We will discuss how you can use the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Ac...

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I've Told Them 100 Times, But They Still Don't Get It entrepreneurship john cunningham letting go organization organization development people development productivity Aug 27, 2021

By John Cunningham

How to provide effective employee training

Ā As an entrepreneur, one of the hardest things you will do is bring new people on board to work your vision. The business has been your baby since its inception. Now you need to infuseĀ that passion into yourĀ employees. To do that, they'...

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