MorningCoach® Book Study Library


October 2024

Set Boundaries Find Peace - a guide to reclaiming yourself. 

Reading Schedule

Oct 1  - Intro - Chapter 5
Oct 8 - Chapters 6-9
Oct 15 - Chapters 10-13
Oct 22 - Chapters 14 - Conclusion
Oct 29 - Open Discussion

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September 2024

The Second Mountain - The Quest for a Moral Life - David Books

Reading Schedule

Sept 3 - Part 1
Sept 17 -Part 2 - 3
Sept 24 - Part 4 -  Conclusion

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August 2024

The Go-Giver - A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

Reading Schedule

Aug 6 - Chapters 1-3
Aug 13 - Chapters 4-7
Aug 20 - Chapters 8-11
Aug 27 - Chapters 12 - Conclusion

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July 2024

The Creative Act: A Way Of Being - Rick Rubin

Reading Schedule

July 2  - Intro
July 8 - Part 1 Discussion
June 9 - Part 2 Discussion
June 16 - Part 3 Discussion
July 23 - Part 4 Discussion
July 30 - Conclusion

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June 2024

Human Design for Business - Discover Your Unique Blueprint to Build a Business and Life You Love. - Jamie L. Palmer

Reading Schedule

June 4  - Intro
June 11 - Part 1 Discussion
June 18 - Part 2 Discussion
June 25 - Conclusion

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May 2024

Machine Of Life - Mike Lee Kanarek

Reading Schedule

May 7  - Chapters 1 - 4
May 14 - Chapters 5 - 8
May 21 - Chapters 9 - 11
May 28 - Chapters 12 - Conclusion

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April 2024

E-Squared - Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Experience

Reading Schedule

April 2  - Intro and Preliminaries (Book Club Discussion)
April 9 - Experiments # 1-3
April 16 - Experiments # 4-5
April 23 - Experiments # 6-7
April 30 - Experiments # 8-9

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March 2024

Emotional Intelligence Habits

Reading Schedule

Mar 5  - Chapters 1-10
Mar 12 - Chapters 11 - 16
Mar 19 - Chapters 17 - 21
Mar 26 - Chapters 22 - 37

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February 2024

Building A Second Brain - Tiago Forte

Reading Schedule

Feb 6  - Part 1
Feb 13 - Part 2
Feb 20 - Part 3
Feb 27 - Conclusion

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January 2024

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

Reading Schedule

Jan 9  - Chapters 1-2
Jan 16 - Chapters 3-4
Jan 23 - Chapters 5-6
Jan 31 - Chapter 7

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December 2023

Sacred 6 - The Simple Step-by-Step Process for Focusing Your Attention & Recovering Your Dreams - JB Glossinger

Reading Schedule

Dec 4 - Chapters 1-2
Dec 12 - Chapters 3-5
Dec 19 - Chapters 6-7
Dec 26 - Chapters 8-9

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November 2023

Risk Forward - Embrace The Unknown And Unlock Your Hidden Genius - Victoria Labalme

Reading Schedule

Oct 31 - Intro
Nov 7 Part 1
Nov 14 Part 2
Nov 21 Part 3
Nov 28 Close

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October 2023

$100 Million Dollar Leads - Alex Hormozi

Reading Schedule

Oct 3 - Section 1
Oct 10 - Section 2
Oct 17 - Section 3
Oct 24 - Section 4
Oct 31 - Section 5

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September 2023

$100 Million Dollar Offers - Alex Hormozi

Reading Schedule

Sept - 5th Intro - Section 1
Sept - 12th Section 2
Sept - 19th Section 3
Sept - 26 Section 4 & 5

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August 2023

Embrace the Chaos - Bob Miglani

Reading Plan

Aug 1st: Introduction
Aug 8th: Part 1
Aug 15th: Part 2
Aug 22th: Part 3
Aug 29th: Discussion

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July 2023

10X is Easier Than 2X - How World Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less - Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benamin Hardy

Reading Plan

July 3th: Introduction
July 11th: Chapters 1-2
July 18th: Chapters 3-4
July 25th: Chapters 5-6

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June 2023

The Business Of Expertise - David C. Baker

Reading Plan

June 6th: Intro - Chapters 1-4
June 13th: Chapters 5-8
June 20th: Chapters 9-12
June 27th: Chapters 13-16

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May 2023

Secret Tradecraft of Elite Advisors - David C Baker

Reading Plan

May 1st: Intro - Chapters 1-5
May 9th: Chapters 6-10
May 16th: Chapters 11-15
Mar 23rd: Chapters 16-20
Mar 30: Chapters 21-14

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April 2023

Cheating Death - The New Science Of Living Longer And Better - Dr. Rand McClain

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

April 4th  - Part 1
April 11th - Part 2
April 18th - Part 3&4
April 25th - Part 5

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March 2023

The Mountain Is You - Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery - Brianna Wiest

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

March 7th  - Chapter 1
March 14th -Chapter 2&3
March 21st - Chapter 4&5
March 28th - Chapter 6&7

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February 2023

Creativity, Inc Overcoming The Unseen Forces That Stand In The Way Of True Inspiration  - Ed Catmull

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

February 2nd  - Introduction 
February 9th - Part 1
February 16th - Part 2
February 23rd - Part 3-4

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 January 2023

The Magic Of Thinking Big  - David Schwartz

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

January 3rd  - Introduction 
January 10th - Chapt - 1-3
January 17th - Chapt - 4-6
January 24th - Chapt - 7-10
January 31st - Chapt - 11-13

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December 2022

Up Your HRV! Improving Your Northstar Metric - Dave Maxfield

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

December 6th - Introduction 
December 13th - Part 1 
December 20th - Part 2 
December 27th - Part 3 

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November 2022

essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less -  Greg McKeown

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

November 2nd - Introduction 
November 9th - Part 1 - Chapters 1-4
November 16th - Part 2 - Chapters 5-9
November 23rd - Part 3 - Chapters 10-14
November 30th - Part 4 - Chapters 15-20

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October 2022

Measure What Matters - OKRs - The Simple Ideas That Drives 10x Growth - John Doerr

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

October 4th - Introduction 
October 11th - Part 1 - Chapters 1-14
October 18th - Part 1 - Chapters 2-21
October 25th - Conclusion

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September 2022

Competing Against Luck - The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice - Clayton Christenson

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan 

Sept 7th - Chap 1-2
Sept 14th - Chap 3-4
Sept 21st - Chap 5-7
Sept 28th - Chap 8-10

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August 2022

Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament - Michael Singer

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan 

Aug 3rd - Part V
Aug 10th - Part VI
Aug 17th - Part VII
Aug 24th - Part VIII
Aug 31st - Part IX

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July 2022

Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament - Michael Singer

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan 

July 5th - Part I
July 12th - Part II
July 19th - Part III
July 26th - Part IV

Part V - VII - August

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June 2022

Gold Medal Mind (Workbook) Douglas Jowdy (Continued)

Reading Plan

June 7th: Chapters 9-10
June 14th: Chapters 11-12
June 21st: Chapters 13-14
June 28th: Chapters 15-18

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May 2022

Gold Medal Mind (Workbook) Douglas Jowdy

Reading Plan

May 3rd: Intro 
May 10th: Chapters 1-2
May 17th: Chapters 3-4
Mar 24th: Chapters 5-6
Mar 31: Chapters 7-8

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April 2022

The Mind Illuminated - John Yates PhD

Reading Plan

(This month is a mediation review using this book)

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March 2022

The Mind Illuminated - John Yates PhD

Reading Plan

Mar 1st: Intro 
Mar 8th: Stage 1-2
Mar 15th: Stage 3-4
Mar 22st: Stage 5-8
Mar 29th: Stage 9-10

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February 2022

The Gold Medal Mind - Becoming A Psychologically Skilled Athlete - Douglas Jowdy PhD

Reading Plan

Feb 1st: Intro - Chap 4
Feb 8th: Chap 5-8
Feb 15th: Chap 9-14
Feb 22st: Chap 15-18

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January 2022

The Pumpkin Plan - A Simple Strategy To Grow A Remarkable Business In Any Field - Mike Michalowicz

Reading Plan

Jan 4th: Intro - Chap 4
Jan 11th: Chap 5-7
Jan 18th: Chap 8-11
Jan 25th: Chap 12-14

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December 2021

The Business of Belonging - How To Make Community Your Competitive Advantage

Reading Plan

Dec 7th: Intro - Chap 1
Dec 14th: Chap 2 -3
Dec 21th: Chap 4-5
Dec 28th: Chap 6-7

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November 2021

Fix This Next - Mike Michalowicz

Reading Plan

11-2 Intro 
11-9 Chapters 1-2
11-16 Chapters 3-4
11-23 Chapters 5-6
11-30 Chapters 7-8

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October 2021

Three Magic Words - Uell S. Anderson

Reading Plan

10-5 Intro - Chapter 1-3
10-12 Chapters 4-6
10-19 Chapters 7-9
10-26 Chapters 10-12

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September 2021

Alchemy - The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic In Brands Business and Life - Rory Sutherland

Reading Schedule

Reading Plan

8-10 - Part 1 - 1-133 CoachCast - 4323
8-17 - Part 2 - 134 - 165 CoachCast - 4330
8-24 - Part 3 - 166 - 211 CoachCast - 4337
8-31 - Part 4 - 166- 211 CoachCast - 4344
9-7 - Part 5 212 - 245 CoachCast - 4351
9-14 - Part 6 246 - 271 CoachCast - 4358
9-21 - Part 7 272 - 317 CoachCast - 4365
9 - 28 - Conclusion 318 - 361 CoachCast - 4372

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