Motivational Monday - Work Is Art

Season #18

Welcome to another invigorating episode of MorningCoach® with your host, JB Glossinger. Today, we're diving into Episode 5386, aptly titled "Work Is Art." Join us as JB passionately explores the transformative power of viewing work as a form of art. From problem-solving and product development to marketing, leadership, and strategic planning, discover how creativity plays a pivotal role in every aspect of our professional lives.

We'll also delve into the wisdom of renowned figures like Einstein and explore inspiring concepts from books such as Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act." Plus, JB shares exciting updates about MorningCoach®'s new writing club, the metaphysical group, and other creative initiatives aimed at fostering personal growth and productivity.

Get ready to shift your mindset, embrace your creativity, and make every day a masterpiece. Tune in and let's make work a true expression of love and art!