Motivational Monday - Public Speaking Ideas

Season #18

Good morning, and welcome to MorningCoach®! This is JB Glossinger, and today is Monday, July 22nd—a day I consider especially lucky. As we dive into episode 5,400, we’re focusing not just on the power of positive rituals but also exploring some fantastic public speaking ideas. Before we get into today's topic, remember your morning routine: self-care, energy-boosting CoachCasts, and utilizing the 7 P’s—perspective, priorities, performance, patience, posture, presence, and persistence.

We're diving headfirst into the art of public speaking. Whether you’re addressing a crowd at your local church, synagogue, or professional event, today we’ll uncover how to harness your passion, maintain energy, and build essential interpersonal connections. Public speaking isn’t just about avoiding fear; it's about captivating your audience with genuine passion and interest.

Join me as I share personal experiences, practical advice, and secret techniques to help you become a confident and compelling speaker. Plus, get ready for a week filled with engaging discussions on communication, public speaking, sleep rhythms, and leadership storytelling.

So buckle up; it’s going to be a power-packed episode of MorningCoach®! Let's get started.