Motivational Monday - Focus On Positivity And Optimism

Season #18

Good morning and welcome to MorningCoach®! It's JB Glossinger and today is the 29th of July. As we approach the end of the month, it's time for a quick check-in on our PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. This week, we shift our focus entirely to "do" mode, emphasizing activity and progress.
Today, we're diving into the power of positivity and optimism—key themes that will guide us throughout the week.

In this episode, I'll share how to build a strong morning ritual, set priorities using the 7 P's, and optimize your day for success. We'll explore practical strategies for maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook, especially in challenging times, and talk about the importance of staying healthy—both mentally and physically—to keep our spirits high. Plus, stay tuned for exciting updates and upcoming topics, like speed reading tips, the deeper meaning of optimism, and advice on staying positive amidst the world's negativity.

So, let's get started and make today a great day with positivity and optimism!