JB Glossinger [00:00:00]:
Good. Good morning. And welcome to Morning Coach Today. I am so glad you're with us. Hey. It's JB. This is the place to get your day started right with great energy and a plan that's gonna get you there. But you gotta get into this.
JB Glossinger [00:00:30]:
You gotta get ready to roll and and go after it. You know, it's amazing. We're counting down till 2025. We got 92 days. Is that crazy? We really got 92 days. Tomorrow is October 1st. This has been the fastest year of my life. I don't know about you, but it is just flying.
JB Glossinger [00:00:49]:
Flying. Flying. Been crazy. Right? But accomplished so much, and I know 2025 is gonna be even better. But before we get there, right, let's get ourselves organized and utilize these next 92 days or 93 days to really accomplish some things. Okay? And we're gonna do that. How do we do that? Well, we're in we're gonna go into a check act month. We're ending a due month, and this is our last time to kind of take a look at that picture.
JB Glossinger [00:01:17]:
What are we trying to do over these next couple months? What are we trying to accomplish as we go into October, November, December, and really focus in on next year? But what can we close the year out with that's just awesome? Some of you are doing a more a a 100 day challenge. You're more than welcome to jump in now. You can do a 90 day challenge. Start it now. Go into the community and click that spreadsheet, and you can rock that thing. Okay? But as always, how do we do it when we get into check? So the check means we're gonna look at our plan this month as we start looking this week. Where are we at? What do we need to adjust? What do we need to modify to really end the year strong? And I want you to be thinking about that, okay, as we get into that this week. The other thing is obviously working on your morning ritual, your morning routine.
JB Glossinger [00:02:05]:
I like ritual a little better, but it's up to you whatever word you use. And that means we're taking time for self care. We've got some structure there. We're listening to the coach cast. We're making sure we're here listening. We're planning our day with our 7 p's. We know that we got the right perspective. I've been putting some things up in the community.
JB Glossinger [00:02:22]:
If you get a chance, you'll see some images about that. Priorities. Setting priorities is critical. Probably the most important. These 2 are the most important. They're all important, but really important is prioritizing daily. Focus on improving your performance consistently, having patience in the system, keeping great posture, getting those shoulders back, you know, getting yourself physically in a good place, staying present, and then persisting day by day. You do that, and you just start to live a life that's different than most people.
JB Glossinger [00:02:54]:
You find that joy that we talked about in our last book study. Then we've got meetups going on. If you get a chance, stop by John and Haley, we got doctor Paul. Get a chance to stop in. The meetups there are rocking. People are getting together on different topics. Haley's gonna talk about her business plan this Friday. John's got cool meetings going on with people talking about transition, and, of course, doctor Paul Health.
JB Glossinger [00:03:18]:
Next week, we got even more, so you could always just stop by and check that out. And then we wanna focus on this week. And what are we doing this week? We're gonna find faith in something deeper. We're gonna talk about the check month as we get into it and really look at what is important. That's what's gonna be critical. And not only now, but going into next year. This is why it's a great time to really reengage. If you haven't with morning coach, if you are, great.
JB Glossinger [00:03:43]:
Or if you're just getting started, perfect time. Perfect time. You're in the right place at the right time. K? Tomorrow, we're gonna get our new book study, which we're doing set boundaries, find peace, a guide to reclaiming yourself. Been big. I get a lot of questions on boundaries, so we got a book for that. We're gonna rock that book this month. It's gonna be great.
JB Glossinger [00:04:04]:
Wednesday, we got what is faith and why is it important? Big day. K? You don't wanna miss that. And then we got the the Thursday question, which is ask JB when I get questions in, and I'm gonna talk about touching your dream daily. Why you need to touch it every day. K? And then Friday, we're gonna talk a little bit about cash flow for some of your entrepreneurs and people that are worried a little bit about that. We're gonna talk about it works out. And when we have slow cash flow times, what are some things we can do? K. Then we got doctor Paul on Saturday.
JB Glossinger [00:04:34]:
Again, if you get a chance to come to meet up, that would be great. And, again, just just talking about meet ups, Lori's social media marketing meet up was just off the charts, and Alastair's List Building is off the charts. They are doing some really cool stuff. If you're a marketing entrepreneur, you need to go to those meetups. K? And then Sunday, we've got building personal faith, finding moments in your life. So we got a great week. I mean, it's gonna be awesome. And, again, morning coach is all encompassing.
JB Glossinger [00:05:02]:
If you're just getting started, welcome. Don't get overwhelmed. Just do your basics. I would tell you, get in the community a little bit because there's some amazing things going on in there. I think sometimes everybody thinks morning coach is just about me. And, yeah, I've built it for, we're gonna be going in our 20th year here in 92 days. But the truth is I'm not the smartest person in the room when it comes to marketing, social media, you know, when it comes to Karen and her business organization skills, when it comes to Alastair in funding bill funnel building, when it comes to, doctor Paul Kilgore as a research scientist physician, you have access to people. Haley, who's just this wonderful organizational person, John Cunningham in Japan, Des is doing the European group.
JB Glossinger [00:05:45]:
We've got all types of people here. Juergen, we talk about him. Vitus, there's so many wonderful people that I just I just want you to know that this is just not me. Right? There's just so many cool people, and the dream is alive. Touching your dream daily, my dream has been to bring awesome people together, and we're doing it. And you have the opportunity to do that. You just gotta step out, stop by the community, and say hello. That's all you gotta do, and come to a meetup.
JB Glossinger [00:06:10]:
Just jump in there. You don't need to turn your camera on and listen to some of the things that are going on, in these groups. Excited. Okay? And that's what, you know, when we talk about this idea of finding faith in something deeper, that's one of the things that I'm doing. So if you think about like life, it's trying to figure out the whys of why you do things, okay, why you're doing it, especially when it gets challenging. So I equate a lot of what I'm doing in life in into the Coach Cast, right, because it's such a big part of my life. So, you know, for years, people heard about golf, people heard about my Israeli fighting, people heard about all these things that I was doing because they're such a big part of my life. And a big part of my life is running right now, and there's some real challenges with running.
JB Glossinger [00:06:55]:
When you're on a long run and you're pushing really hard and you're miles 16, 17, 18, you know, as I get ready to run 26 miles, There's a lot of mental chatter there. I'll be the first person to tell you that there's a lot of stuff there that says, why am I doing this? You're 55 years old. This is stupid. You can stop right now. And in that point, you gotta have a mission. And I think life is the same that if you don't have the mission, you're not going to stick with it. If you don't have the why, that deep reason why, you are not going to stick with it. And I could tell you, I think about you.
JB Glossinger [00:07:31]:
I think about Pilar. I think about the people that have helped me along the way. I think of my mother, and I start thinking about, man, I wanna do it for them. You know? It it it it goes away from you. It has to. It has to. Your legs are burning. Your lungs are burning.
JB Glossinger [00:07:47]:
You have to put it somewhere else. You have to find that faith. You have to find why are there you doing what you're doing. And if you're not doing it for that deeper purpose, it's really easy to quit. It's really easy to give up. And a good example of that is, for me, is getting the community going. It's extremely and I don't wanna put this out there metaphysically, but I'm gonna I'm gonna just tell you that it's really challenging to bring a community together. It just is.
JB Glossinger [00:08:14]:
It's gotta be driven by the community. The community's gotta come together. Everybody's distracted with so many things. But it's my dream, and there's a why there because I know how amazing the people are that are listening to morning coach. Right? So I have to have the faith. I have to have that tactical mission. I have to believe in it. And then I have to have that deeper light mission.
JB Glossinger [00:08:35]:
So if you haven't had a chance to read Mission Driven, the ebook, it's in your library, it's in the resources. You have that book to understand the definition of mission. And and why I said it's a great time to just be starting is because you have got to understand the tactical and and the full life mission. They're critical in what we're doing. When we come into December 60 days and we start saying, what are you going to do? If you don't have that tactical mission, it's really hard to put a plan together. It's really hard to move forward. And if I say, why are you doing it? This could take a while. It took me almost 19 years to get a really a huge mission for my life, which is to give everything away to animals.
JB Glossinger [00:09:18]:
That's why I'm driven to make money. It's like Andrew Carnegie or Carnegie. It's like he built his empire to give it away, to really make a difference in the world. And once you have that mission, you're on a different different, you know, level. You're vibrating different. Your energy's different. My inner I cannot stop my energy because I have this mission, this drive. And so part of my mission is to really help animals, you know, in the Saint Francis type of of sentiment.
JB Glossinger [00:09:49]:
And then understand this why of, you know, why am I driving so hard to get here every day? Why am I doing this on the weekends? Why am I working all the time? And I am. Because it's important for me to see you successful. It's important for me to have the resources and the tools and be creative enough to bring the energy to you. So when you start looking at that, you start to realize what is going on. And it's like the process of building. Like I said, I was never more proud than the last and pride is one of those things that you can have pride. If you're working hard and things work, it's not a negative thing. Again, my Catholic upbringing, it's like, oh, you can't have pride.
JB Glossinger [00:10:27]:
Right? No. You can be you can be grateful and have pride in things that have come together, like seeing Laurie running her meetup and Alastair and Karen and John and everybody doing these meetups and seeing people coming together and sending a message over to the team going, wow, it's happening. To me, it's awesome because I'm seeing part of my mission, part of my tactical mission of of bringing people together, it's working. And it gets you going. It gives you motivation to continue to press on. I press on towards a goal. Right? So are you driven? That's the question I want you to think about today. Are you driven? Do you wake up in the morning with an objective? And here's what I see.
JB Glossinger [00:11:15]:
As somebody recently come and and come to morning coach, and they keep coming and leaving, right? And here's the issue, not gonna say who it is, but they keep coming and going. And the underlying issue is, is they're driven but the reason they're doing the things they're doing is for financial gain. So they're searching for things that are gonna generate revenue instead of fulfilling joy, energy, and passion. You see, here's the deal. Money is just the scorecard. That's all it is. Money is not the objective. When money becomes the objective instead of the scorecard, it really gets you all over the place.
JB Glossinger [00:12:00]:
Like, it's really hard for you to function. Now I'm not saying that money shouldn't be part of what your mission is, shouldn't be part of what you're doing. But there's a lot of people out there that are really struggling financially, especially a lot of coaches and a lot of experts. And the reason is is because they need money, and they they're they're focused on that aspect of it. Instead of executing on a plan and doing what I'm telling them, right, and saying, okay. What do you really wanna achieve and why do you wanna achieve it? It's like, well, I gotta pay my bills next week. It's this real short term focus, And it's really destroying a lot of people. Right? Because it's just and and they have the consistent pattern.
JB Glossinger [00:12:41]:
Right? They get something going and then it doesn't work and then they need something to go. And they know there's something deeper that needs to be fulfilled. And so they come join morning coaches like, oh, this is great. Well, give me the secret, JB. I need to make more money. It's like, no. That that's not what we're here for. What we're here for, the secret is to start taking care of yourself, to get really clear about what's driving you and get some energy and passion to go live a life, to actually do something.
JB Glossinger [00:13:13]:
Are you hearing that? Because we all fall into that trap. And then what are we doing? We're chasing the shiny object. We're going to the next thing, to the next thing, the next thing because we aren't fulfilled. So we have to start looking for that big purpose mission. K? It's important. Why are you doing what you're doing? I can tell you I'm doing it for animals. Real simple. And then it's like, okay.
JB Glossinger [00:13:36]:
What are the tactical things I'm doing? Well, it's really important for me to see people come together and make a difference in their lives. So I gotta step back. It's hard. I gotta let people do what they're gonna do. People are gonna fall down. They're gonna get up. They're gonna make mistakes. But those are missions.
JB Glossinger [00:13:53]:
It's not financially driven. For me in my life, it's taken a long time to get to this point. But I'm realizing it's the tasks that we do. It's the things that we go after. And if we just leave money on the back burner, the money comes. The money comes. If we just focus on the things that drive us, and we start doing the basics and we go after it, the money comes. But when you focus so much and the mission is on, I need to make this money, or I need to quit this job, or I need to do this thing, You become so needy and you never get out of it.
JB Glossinger [00:14:32]:
And you don't develop the faith to take the risk, to take the chance on a thing that will get you out of it. And you go from thing to thing to thing. And believe me, I have people here at Morning Coach that do just that. They feel like, wow, I joined Morning Coach for a month, I pressed a button, the pain is gone. No, it's just the beginning. It's just the beginning. Like, we gotta start working on you. We gotta understand that it's not the goal, it's the journey.
JB Glossinger [00:15:02]:
But that journey is what's so critical because once we understand the mission, we can become driven. And driven is where we wanna be. We wanna wake up and be clear about what we're doing and why we're doing it. That's why I told you this is a perfect time to hear this. It's a perfect time because this is the work that you need to do. Because if you want 2025 let's just end 2024. Great. Right? But if you want 2024 to be or 2025 to be off the charts, to be one of your best years ever, you need to understand why you're doing what you're doing.
JB Glossinger [00:15:37]:
And you need to find the the energy to be driven so you can go after it and really make the life changes you wanna make. You gotta believe in your heart that you deserve the great things. You gotta believe that you can do it. You gotta be able to take the risk. You gotta be able to stay focused enough and be calculated in the risk. That all comes from understanding why you're doing what you're doing and putting the things in place to do it. We're gonna help you do that, but you gotta do this work. You gotta find the faith in something deeper.
JB Glossinger [00:16:11]:
Why? So that you're driven so that you're driven, and we'll help you do that. Okay? So let's get off to a great start of the week. Excited. Big book. New one tomorrow. Boundaries. Find peace. A guide to reclaim yourself.
JB Glossinger [00:16:25]:
Gonna be right along with this. And that's what we gotta do. We gotta get the boundaries in place with our mission so we know what we're doing. So we're driven. We're mission driven as we go forward to end this year and start next. Alright. I love you. Let's go do it to it.
JB Glossinger [00:16:39]:
I'll see you over in the community at the meetups. Lots going on. Let's go make the world a better place together. And how do we do that? You just live your life. You live your life and realize it's not the goal. It's not. It's the journey that we're on together. That's what it's all about.