JB Glossinger [00:00:06]:
Good morning, and welcome to MorningCoach® Today. I am so glad you're with us. Hey. It's JB. Super pumped you're here. The 6th January. Ready to take it on episode 5568. I hope you're doing fantastic.
JB Glossinger [00:00:27]:
It is time. It is our year. It is our time to really go after it. It's time to make things happen. I'm excited for you. You're in the right place at the right time, and we're gonna get to this. And how do we do that? Well, first, we get with our metaphysical morning ritual, taking time for self care, very important part of this. I I I just can't stress this enough.
JB Glossinger [00:00:49]:
Over the holidays for me, I did get a little sick. You could still hear it in my voice. Upper respiratory infection. So much so, I don't know what I'm going to do. Like, I'm debating on either staying in this area in the winter or going to Florida consistently every time because for me, it's very important to stay at the top of my health. I'm training for a marathon. I can't handle these, you know, week of of respiratory illness or sickness. So I'm working with doctor Paul.
JB Glossinger [00:01:19]:
We're gonna come up with some new solutions for me. You know, obviously, I'm up here for my mom and staying with my mom, but I just can't get sick. It's not something that's in my vocabulary. So a couple of things I'm doing is really dialing in nutrition this year, really working on self care. Alcohol is out of the question, gone. It just can't be a part of my life anymore at all. I think it was 6 or 7 times last year and really focusing on taking care of myself. Longevity planner, we're working on that anti aging planner, but really focused in on overall health, is very important.
JB Glossinger [00:01:52]:
So self care not only is that health aspect, but also the psychological health. And I've got something for you in a minute. But I really want you to focus on that this year. Take time for self care. So again, I'm doing some massive supplementation, actually doing some IV, therapies, once in a while to really maximize my health. I've working on that 3:30, marathon for, you know, for Boston. I've got one scheduled 17 weeks from now. Actually, going on week 16.
JB Glossinger [00:02:20]:
So training is real serious, and, staying healthy is gonna be very important. Difficult in this area. Difficult. Like my mom says, it just happens. Everybody gets sick. Well, not me. Alright? And so this year for me is, you know, taking time for self care, making sure that doesn't happen. And, again, some of the times I've let my immunity down by drinking or doing some things, but it's just I'm really dialed in on that.
JB Glossinger [00:02:42]:
And I'd like you to too. You know, what can you do to make your health better? And, obviously, on Saturdays, we're doing that with doctor Paul. We're really gonna be focusing more on longevity and antiaging as we move forward. On Saturdays, we're creating more curriculum for the weekends to make morning coach, stronger. And part of that self care is slowing down. So what do I wanna talk about is, today a little bit is what we're gonna be doing on Sundays. So Sundays, I have changed to slow down Sundays. Many of you know I did my PhD in metaphysics.
JB Glossinger [00:03:12]:
And when I was studying to do my dissertation on metaphysic of business, I almost did it on psychological time. And how do we slow it down? And the truth is it's been going faster and faster and faster ever since I started studying that. I have a resource library of of tremendous data on psychology of time, relativity of time, and and why it works the way it works. And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna change our Sundays into kind of a self care Sunday, but it's going to be a self care Sunday about time. And We're gonna start understanding psychological time and how we can have more joy, how we can slow it down, how we can find more peace instead of being in this just constant rat race. And Sundays has always been kind of this, I don't know, kind of a spiritual thing that I would do. We'd talk a little bit. It was just kind of a cornucopia.
JB Glossinger [00:03:58]:
I'm throwing out one of my words there of different topics, and we're going really specific now. So this year, for 52 Sundays, we're gonna be focusing on psychological time. And the objective, the main objective, so you're with me on this, is to slow it down. We wanna slow downtime. Last year was the fastest year of my life. I want this one to be awesome. I wanna enjoy every minute. I wanna enjoy you know, get through the bad times.
JB Glossinger [00:04:23]:
Right? But enjoy every minute. Do it in a healthy way. Do it in a vibrant way, and do it with joy as we grow and develop morning coach into this wonderful system. So that's where we're at with it. So this week, we've got a great week planned. But, again, what do we gotta do? Your metaphysical mortal ritual by taking time for self care. So we're gonna be bringing you ideas on that. And, specifically, we're gonna talk about sleep too on Sunday, so there's a lot of good stuff coming.
JB Glossinger [00:04:46]:
Obviously, within that, once you get your self care out of the way, we wanna listen to coach cast. We wanna get here, make sure you're, you know, getting the energy on a daily basis. We you know, we're in a due month. So when we talk about your planning, we're gonna be talking about our meetup schedules because if you wanna go into the meetups, you're gonna wanna start meeting some of the wonderful people that are putting them together. And, also, I'm doing one with doctor Paul. You don't wanna miss those. If you get an opportunity to come, these are, I mean, really rare occurrences to be able to get your questions answered, specifically at that meetup on longevity and health. So you wanna listen to coach cast because this is our main communication portal.
JB Glossinger [00:05:21]:
If you're brand new, just do a couple things. You know, organize your planner. We're gonna talk about it in a minute and listen to coach cast. You do those 2 things, you're great. All the other stuff we're doing, just be a sponge. Soak it up. And if you're just coming back, like, you're, like, just getting rededicated to this, that's totally cool too. Just be a sponge.
JB Glossinger [00:05:38]:
Don't try to do everything. K? So we were listening to coach cast. Make sure you're doing that on daily basis. You wanna plan your day with the 7 p's, meaning you're getting the right perspective by listening to coach cast. You're setting your priorities using new planner. We're gonna talk a little bit about that in a minute. We're focusing on improved performance. How do we get better? And so I'm talking about my health.
JB Glossinger [00:05:58]:
I don't wanna have these RSVs or whatever. You know, I tested, you know, when I got sick, It wasn't COVID or the flu, but I want I don't want that in my life. So it's like, okay. How do I improve my performance and my health? Have patience. Allow things to work. Very important. This system is a long term system. It's we underestimate what we can do in a long term.
JB Glossinger [00:06:18]:
We really do, but we overestimate what we can do in a short term. Stick with me long term. You're gonna get there. Keep great posture. We're gonna work on that. You know, make sure this year for me is nutrition and mobility. You'll be hearing me talk more about that. And then we wanna stay present in the moment and then persist day in and day out.
JB Glossinger [00:06:34]:
So we wanna make sure we're doing our 7 piece every morning. Then we wanna organize the planner and then stop by the community for accountability questions and support. We also have the companion you wanna send in a picture. All kinds of programs, but I wanna keep it real simple. Do not get overwhelmed as we start the year. We've got a mission right now, and hopefully you had a chance to put a vision together. Those are the key things. What are we going to be working on over the next 12 months? And who do you wanna become over the next 12 months? And that's what we wanna do together.
JB Glossinger [00:07:04]:
We wanna make this awesome, and we wanna start working with the daily plan. So this week, again, what are we doing? We're getting you off with your metaphysical morning ritual. You've got that now in stone. We're gonna be talking about risk reward this week and a fresh start. This is our opportunity to create a ritual. It's a new year. We can start anytime. It's a beautiful thing about our systems.
JB Glossinger [00:07:24]:
You can start in June. But the key is we're here. This is a great time to have a rebirth. It's a great time to be a phoenix and rise from the ashes and do things that you never thought you could accomplish. And we're gonna do that together. Okay? Our our our book study, we're gonna be talking about money. Ramit Sethi, one of my friends. We're gonna talk about money for couples.
JB Glossinger [00:07:45]:
We're gonna get into some money ideas because we've got a lot of people struggling financially, and I wanna talk about that. And he just wrote this wonderful book, and he's got, a lot of books out on finances. But we're gonna be going into Raman's book on money for couples, which is good tomorrow. Then Wednesday, we're gonna talk about dedication to you and risk for your vision. How do we risk for your vision? How do we make that happen? And again, we'll talk more about vision. If you haven't got that, that's new this year. K. That's part of our new plan.
JB Glossinger [00:08:14]:
And again, if you're brand, brand new, you just started today, then what I want you to do is go to the planner course in your courses. Okay? So you're just gonna listen to CoachCast. Very important. You're gonna show up, do your self care, listen to CoachCast, plan your day at the planner. That's it. If you're coming back or brand new, you're gonna go through the planning course. If you've already done that, fantastic. You got your mission, you got your vision, You got your plan.
JB Glossinger [00:08:37]:
We're working it together, and we're doing it. But if you haven't done that yet, do that. Because Wednesday, we're gonna talk more about it. Thursday, ask, you know, how do I get started? We're gonna talk a little bit about that on Thursday. How do I do a fresh start? And, again, here's what's beautiful. Even me, I'm gonna do a fresh start Thursday. Like, we could always start. That's the beautiful thing about life.
JB Glossinger [00:08:56]:
It's awesome. And so we can start doing the things we need to do. You need to start getting healthier. Great. Let's get healthier. Like I said, I had a little bit of a scare. I haven't been sick in a long, long time. Traveled to Florida.
JB Glossinger [00:09:08]:
Came home. Got sick. My mom was sick. I I don't know where I got it. It was not fun. I was in bed for a few days. That is not JB. Okay? That's not me.
JB Glossinger [00:09:16]:
That's not me. That's not the vision who I hold. That's not what I manifest. And so life changes. It's like that is not gonna happen again. Not gonna happen again. So fresh start. And then how do you stay away from comparisons and build your life? Very important one on Friday.
JB Glossinger [00:09:31]:
I see this as a big problem. I get a lot of calls on this, a lot of emails that people are struggling with joy, with happiness because they're struggling with how do I get started? Or I'm sorry. With how do I stay away from the comparison? Right? Other people seem to be doing so good. I don't feel like I'm doing very well. How do I get ahead of the game? We're gonna work on that Friday. Please tune in. Saturday, of course, doctor Paul, we're shifting to longevity. We're shifting to antiaging.
JB Glossinger [00:09:58]:
We're building a planner. Ken's working on it. It's gonna probably be some time in this month. Right? We're we're really making it great. I told him, let's spend time on it instead of just rushing it through. Obviously, next year, you know, we're gonna be doing 20, 26 calendar in March. We're gonna be doing longevity. All these calendars will be done, and planners will be done much sooner next year.
JB Glossinger [00:10:18]:
But, hey, it's coming, and we're gonna meet, in January. So check the meetup. And then doctor Paul, obviously, is also giving us coach cast on Saturdays and Sunday. Slow it down. It's time to slow it down. We're gonna talk about psychological time every Sunday, and how do we slow this sucker down so we can we can we can enjoy it. And part of the way to do that is to start getting ourselves in a better better place. One of those is to sleep.
JB Glossinger [00:10:45]:
We're gonna talk a lot about circadian rhythm as we get into longevity and planning. If you're not sleeping well, it's really hard to be as productive as you can be. It's hard to live your dreams. It's hard to have energy. It's hard to have health. And so we wanna make sure we're sleeping right and remembering that our morning ritual, even though I say take time for self care is our first thing, it actually starts the night before. And let's start working on our sleep patterns now. I got a big sun lamp here that I use.
JB Glossinger [00:11:11]:
It's on a timer. I did a YouTube video. If you get a chance to check it up, you want me, I can go in the community. We can talk more about it. But, basically, it 5:30 in the morning or about 5:15, it comes on. And so I I wake up to, like, a artificial sun, and it just resets my circadian rhythm. Then I go to bed about 9 o'clock, sometimes 8:30, 9 o'clock, sometimes 10. I push it.
JB Glossinger [00:11:30]:
I'm writing right now. Yes. I'm writing. Can you believe it? But, yes, that's that's I I like to write at night, and so I'm getting some books done right now. One of them on speeds, slowing it down. One of them on sober weekends. So the sober weekends is finally coming together. I'm really excited about it.
JB Glossinger [00:11:46]:
But sleep's very important. And then the next step is start using a new planner. So we gotta take some risk. We gotta put some things out there. Like, we gotta get after it. Like, for me this year, I've got to get some books done. I don't have to do anything. Right? I don't have to do anything.
JB Glossinger [00:12:01]:
But for me, the fulfillment, the energy, the joy, it's time. Like, I have this calling to write. And I've written 4 books, but it's not enough. Like, it's like this is in me. It needs to come out. And so I I'm I'm going after it, and I'm using the new planner. And when you look at the new planner, it's beautiful because I'm using it as a planner now. Like, the navigation that Ken did was so awesome.
JB Glossinger [00:12:23]:
If you see any issues with it, let us know. They're probably fine a little bit. It's 966 pages. You can add pages to it if you're using your Remarkable, but the planner just works. And then on the sheet, we now have the sacred 6. And in there, you have little circles. In those circles, you can you can fill it in when you get done or, you know, fill it in half when you get started or make a line if you've delegated that. And it's really a great way to get your day started.
JB Glossinger [00:12:48]:
So you get up, get your planner out. Okay? You listen to you take some time for self care, whatever that is. For me, that's sauna, ice bath, maybe going to get an IV treatment once a month. There's certain things I'm doing, meditation. There's certain pieces of my self care that are really important. We're I'm doing blood work, and we're really building my immune system up. Something I I like I said, I am not getting sick this year. No more alcohol.
JB Glossinger [00:13:12]:
K? So those are things that I'm working on. And then I listen to coach cast. Get this energy. What are we doing? We're in a due month. Let's get after it. And what are we working on this week? Well, we're working on our sleep. We're working on slowing things down. We're working on a fresh start.
JB Glossinger [00:13:26]:
We should have our mission and our vision. We should know where we're going. We should be able to look at that sacred six and go, okay. What's gonna take me to my mission today? Now I know it fills up with stuff, but that's what we're trying to get rid of. It's the stuff that's not taking us to what we wanna do. And so if it's not serving you, we wanna say no. But you got your sacred 6 there. And the way that Jurgen, when we first initially did this in Ken, we were all talking, he said, let's set it up so we can kinda go in order.
JB Glossinger [00:13:50]:
And so you get your sacred 6 down, which is fantastic. You made a car carried some things over from the other day, and then you work it right down to your gratitude. Right? And then you you're grateful for things, and then you got your consistency area. And remember, those consistency things are the things that you're working on habitually. For me, most of my self care and health stuff, like, not drinking, that's inconsistency. You know, learning how to fly, that's inconsistency. Those are not tasks. If I need to find a new instructor, a CFI, then it would go up in the in the tasks.
JB Glossinger [00:14:19]:
But right now, no. It's not there. So the consistency is a habitual things that I'm working on, specifically a lot of health things. Am I taking the right supplementation? And I can't wait for the planner because we've got a lot in there on this. But what am I taking? What am I doing to keep my energy level so high and productive? K. So then I I just go down that area. And it's like, okay. I'm starting on the top, and I'm going down to the right side.
JB Glossinger [00:14:42]:
Now here's what's very important. Don't get OCD on me. Meaning, if it's not perfect and you skip a day, it's okay. Just keep going. Open up. If you're just brand new in me and you're starting January 6th, that's okay. I'm glad. We're on episode 5568 here.
JB Glossinger [00:14:59]:
It's a great place to start. Don't worry about filling out day 5, day 4, day 3. We start today, and we move forward. And that's what the fresh start's all about. That's what we're doing together as we move into the new year. This is a great, great time to set in stone some changes we're gonna make and then focus on the consistency. Consistency is the key. If we fall off, that's okay.
JB Glossinger [00:15:21]:
Get back up and just get consistent as we move towards our mission and our vision. And if you got any questions on this, please jump in the community. The community is gonna be over we've revamping the community. There's a new community coming here real soon. Keep an eye out for that, and we're making it easier to navigate and just easier to communicate. And it's a great place to connect. Okay? That's why I always say stop by the community for accountability questions and support because it's a great place. But for you personally, right now is your time.
JB Glossinger [00:15:52]:
Let's get started. It's a due month. We should be executing on our plan. We should be filling some circles in today. We should have that AM gratitude in place. We should be working on consistently doing some new things. And for some of you, you might be on day 6 already. Right? And we wanna be focused on doing what we need to do.
JB Glossinger [00:16:11]:
So let's get after it. Let's make this happen. It is our time. It's time to understand risk and reward. We're gonna get into that this week. We gotta take some risks to get the reward, but it comes from our organization and our planning and our ability to live our mission and our vision. So let's become the person we put in our vision by consistently doing it day in and day out. Alright.
JB Glossinger [00:16:32]:
I love you. I'll be back tomorrow. We got a brand new book for you. Excited about this one. We're gonna keep rocking it right here on morning coach.com.