JB Glossinger [00:00:06]:
Good morning, and welcome to MorningCoach® today. I am so glad you're with us. Hey. It's JB. I'm super pumped you're here. It's January 20, 2024. It is a Monday. We're ready to go after it.
JB Glossinger [00:00:26]:
5582 is the episode number. I hope you're doing great. We got a great week planned. Remember your morning ritual, morning routine, take time for self care. Listen to that coach, Cass. You're here. Great job. Plan your day with those 7 p's and get that planner organized.
JB Glossinger [00:00:41]:
Okay? Very important. And then you can always stop by the community for accountability questions and support. We are here to aid you. We're here to give you good energy. Our community is awesome. That's what we're here for. And check those meetups too, by the way. Some great meetups going on, support that.
JB Glossinger [00:00:57]:
Those are community driven, meaning, that's other morning coach members are putting together the meetups. That's why we're building the community, so that we can all connect. And they're bringing their value and their ideas and their thoughts. And a lot of times, just you stopping by can make their day. So utilize that. Stop by the meetups. There's some great, great people, doing some great meetups. Of course, I'm doing a few too, but, really, it's about them.
JB Glossinger [00:01:20]:
I don't want this to ever be about me. This community driven project, amazing people doing amazing things. And, you know, I just I'm learning so much from everybody and different people. It's it's an awesome time to really be alive. You know, community members like Jurgen and John are coming together for a second brain system based on our system they're building it for us writing a book. Just wonderful to be attached to such amazing people and know that you're attached them to so that energy no matter what you're facing today that energy can go through and and support you. So important so important to people you're around. It really is in the energy you're getting.
JB Glossinger [00:01:56]:
So this week, we got a big week planned. We talk about consistency this week, sticking with it. This is a time of period where a lot of people start falling off. Obviously, we can speak about this. We've done 5,582 Coach Cast 20th year 20th year here. Consistently doing it. My biggest blessing was having to do the Coach Cast. It's who I'm becoming.
JB Glossinger [00:02:17]:
I'm learning. I'm getting better every day. And it's a curse. I mean, I gotta do it. I gotta show up and do the work. Now to me, I love it. I'm probably gonna do it the rest of my life. I never like to be finite on things.
JB Glossinger [00:02:27]:
Who knows what's gonna happen? But I tell you what, we're gonna keep rocking this thing as long as I need to to make sure you're getting the energy you need day in day out that's why you're here. One of the takeaways from your membership is the energy. And me showing up every day to be here for you no matter what I'm feeling like I need to show up and be here And it's great for me because it forces me to show up also. So we're gonna talk about consistency. We got a big one this week. Again, an area that I think we're experts at, obviously, and we can really help you become more consistent. So we're gonna get into that today. We've got our money for couples book.
JB Glossinger [00:03:01]:
Tomorrow, we're gonna be doing chapters 9 to 10 and a little bit on debt. So it'll be a it'll be a good day for you to kind of think about money tomorrow. Wednesday, we've got staying with your vision and the consistency area. That part of the planner, I know everybody knows this, but we're gonna reiterate the consistency area in the specific planner and what you should be doing. And again, as far as where we're at in our plan, it's a due month. For those of you that are struggling a little bit with where you need to be, go in the planning course in your library, and you can do that real quick over the weekend or sometime this week and get caught up. K. That's what that's there for.
JB Glossinger [00:03:39]:
Thursday, ask JB, can we discuss habits? Yes. We're gonna talk a little bit about habits. Obviously, consistency and habits go hand in hand. Habits go hand in hand. How long does it take to create a new habit? Well, they used to say 21 days, but the studies really every person's different. Some people create a new habit in 2 days. Some people need a year. Right? So it's very arbitrary, but we're gonna get into habits.
JB Glossinger [00:03:57]:
We're gonna talk a little bit about that. There's some great books out there, atomic habits, keystone habits, but we'll get into kind of our ideas of habits and how we can help you with that. Friday is we're gonna talk about technology and getting more done. We wanna we had one of our long mastermind meetings. We have a 5 hour meeting every quarter. We added one this year to get started your year right. And you know we you know I love you're getting his input to the system as he's been with us for years got his black belt. But he talked a lot about chat gpt and how he utilized it with his plan.
JB Glossinger [00:04:28]:
It blew me away like it was unbelievable how he is educating chat gpt with his plan and then using a Google lm to actually get a recording a podcast that comes back to him that he can listen to on his plan once in a while in the car. Just really, really awesome technology. We're gonna talk about that Friday. See if I can sneak him to do a few things. He's he's working hard with John on the second brain, but really has some neat techniques that he's using with AI, with his plan. So we're gonna talk a little bit about that on Friday to get you thinking a little differently about planning and structuring using some new technology. Obviously, Saturday is doctor Paul, and we're, you know, working on our longevity and health planners. We're still working on that.
JB Glossinger [00:05:11]:
We're taking our time. We wanna make that great. The good thing is as we come into 2026, I know it's a long way away. But we're gonna have our planning systems and structures this year since we've evolved it so much ready in March or April or May. So plenty of time. Right? So this year is a little bit pushed back, and then because we made so many changes, and then the longevity antiaging planner was a concept we came up in December. We've been going back and forth with doctor Paul, and these things take time to build. And now we're, Ken's got it, and he's working on it.
JB Glossinger [00:05:41]:
We're massaging it back and forth, but it is coming, hopefully by end of the month, 1st of next month. So at least you can use it for the rest of the year. But doctor Paul is Saturday. And then Sunday, our new idea, our new concept is slowing things down. So Sunday's coaching is really about slowing it down, and we're gonna talk about why does time go so fast. So it's gonna be a good day to get some education, bring your notebook, and just listen a little bit on Sunday as we start to reclaim time. I think one of the most important aspects of life is time. I believe it is the, most valuable commodity.
JB Glossinger [00:06:14]:
We can make more money. We can't make more time. And understanding it at a deeper level on Sundays can help us enjoy our life. And, of course, everything that we're doing here is to bring more joy, more peace, better relationships, more happiness to you. That's why this is a coaching program. And if you just stick with it if you just stick with it day by day, I get it I get it. Life has some ups and downs. Things may not work according to the plan perfectly, but you will get there if you have a system and structure in place.
JB Glossinger [00:06:44]:
And that's what we're doing together, consistent information. And the history of morning coach is really interesting because when I started morning coach way back when and I wrote get out of neutral, my concept of morning coach was to get a different speaker each week. I have a speaker do 5 shows. We didn't do the weekends back then. And I was gonna have a different speaker, 52 speakers. And I was thinking, well, Tony did 1. And back then, obviously, I knew Gary Vaynerchuk and and Tim Ferris, they were just getting started. I said they could probably do a week each and I could rotate it.
JB Glossinger [00:07:13]:
And the business model just wasn't sound. Like it was really hard to figure out how to do that. And it went against what I was doing it for anyway. So as I looked at the the landscape of my own personal development as a personal development jumpy junkie, somebody from the Midwest that literally went from health clubs to buying and selling jumbo jets to running aerospace companies, at 34, 35 years old, How did I do that? What was all the mental attitude and the ideas that I was getting from the personal development stuff? So as I started to do this and I met with Randy Gage, Lisa Mena, some of my friends, and we started talking about, you know, what's morning coach gonna become, after, you know, my buddy had said, hey. Do a conference call. It's like, hey. Let's get some speakers in here. And then as I started moving forward with that, I just really had a hard time connecting with speakers.
JB Glossinger [00:07:58]:
Like, I was like, I need a consistent system. I need something I can use. And if you think back to the original morning coach, it was really metaphysical in nature, meaning it was really motivational and metaphysical. Didn't have planning or any structure to it. It was really just motivational. Come here and listen for 50 minutes change your life. A lot of people, you know, and same thing we're doing now, we're just adding productivity to it, but motivational stuff. And then in the, after that, you know, I decided because we needed consistency, right, that was the big thing, that that it wasn't gonna be about other speakers, that I was going to have to do it.
JB Glossinger [00:08:34]:
And that was a hard pill to swallow back then because, as you know, I'm very introverted. This is not something that I like to do, but over the years, I've learned to get in front of the camera. I've learned put stuff out. I learned if my hair is horrible, it doesn't matter, especially doing like Instagram reels and stuff. I'm getting out there reluctantly, but I am doing it. But back then I had to do this, right? So it was my biggest blessing. And I always say my greatest curse because then I wasn't really prepared to do it and I had to learn a lot. And so I got into my 3 books a week and started studying and learning as much as I could, and we started to grow.
JB Glossinger [00:09:08]:
And then the consistent aspect of the system was the motivational aspect was good. Then we got into intelligent life design, which is my baby because they're always like, man, you've built this wonderful lifestyle around morning coach. Can you teach me? And I'm like, yeah, there's certain things we need to do. I started teaching ILD. And as I started teaching ILD, people were not getting things done. They were motivated from morning coach. They had the ideas of the concepts. I was giving them the tactics and strategies, but they weren't getting it done because they didn't have the productivity piece that held it all together.
JB Glossinger [00:09:38]:
And so that's where Sacred 6 came from. So the consistency over 20 years of me doing this every day, learning from people and understanding who needs to help, it really shifted the concept of me and it allowed me to be more consistent and then learn what I needed to learn to help who I needed to help. And as you know many of you don't know, but maybe you do back in the day when we're doing motivational stuff. My mom was a single mother so I have a real. Soft spot for single mothers and I used to get e mails and letters I got this one letter from a woman who less than it left an abusive relationship with her children, went to California and it's in the letters like a 10 page letter. She said, you know, I I, I because a morning coach, and this is why I was first starting. This is like in a 2,006 time frame Because of morning coach, I was able to leave a abusive relationship, and I was able to focus on myself. And now I just ran a marathon and my 2 kids were there, and I got a new person in my life.
JB Glossinger [00:10:34]:
My life is fantastic. I just wanna thank you. And that letter brought me to tears, talking about consistency getting to that point. But I shifted my market back then to kinda say, oh, we're gonna help women. Right? That's, you know, this this affected me so much that I was kinda like, this is the direction we're gonna go. Hurt morning coach a little bit because truly, you know, it's it's I wanna help them. Right? That's philanthropic. But what we really are working with is professionals like yourself, you know? And that market is not really what I'm about.
JB Glossinger [00:11:02]:
That is my philanthropic effort as well as animals. So understanding that, it helped me get clear by being consistent in something I'm doing. That's why I'm telling you this. So when you do things consistently, and we're gonna talk about it all week, right, and you constantly move forward, you learn. You get that self education. As you're learning, you can make adjustments to the things you need to do. Good example of that is running. I did not like running.
JB Glossinger [00:11:26]:
I mentioned it, if you go back and listen 5 years ago, I would say, I'll run a 5 ks, but that's all I'm running. My mind can't handle it. Like my mind, the belief was that mentally I would get bored. But after 5 ks is after 3.3 miles, mentally, I would start to shut it off. What's crazy is after I did, you know, started running consistently and started to learn more about myself, I realized that belief was not true. Like, it was the actually the opposite. My long runs are some of the favorite things to do. I love to get out there for 20 miles.
JB Glossinger [00:12:00]:
Right? I love it. I love to go that long. Now after 20 miles, I'll be honest, it does get really tough, for anybody. It's a challenge. That's why marathon running is so hard, but I love it. And it's funny how when you do things consistently and you work on yourself and you chisel away a little bit every day, you start to learn more about yourself and you bring more joy into your life. So last March or last February when we did our check-in March when I said I'm gonna run a 5 k, it brought joy to my life. It's something that's bringing tremendous joy to my life.
JB Glossinger [00:12:31]:
It's helping me in all areas of my life. It was because I was consistently working a plan, listening to morning coach, doing my organization every day, understanding what is good and what is bad, and really focused in on what I need to do. And that was the consistent activities of being productive and prioritizing every day. And that's really what changed my life. And it continually changes my life. My life keeps getting better and better because when I wake up, I'm doing things based on my mission, based on my vision, and prioritizing my day on the things that are gonna give me energy and make my life better. And that's what we're teaching you here. So all we gotta do is show up and be consistent.
JB Glossinger [00:13:13]:
All you gotta do is show up and work a little bit on what are you gonna do over the next 12 months. All we gotta do is really dive into what is gonna bring you happiness. Ask the real lifestyle questions instead of chasing money, just like our decision making model in the planner. Really digging deep and asking why. What is going on? Why am I doing what I'm doing? And questioning our decisions and then doing that on a daily basis. Organizing, you know, yourself, taking time for self care, listening to coach guests, getting a different thought process of what's really going on, getting the right perspective, setting those priorities, and working on more performance. You do that and you start writing down the calendar. You do it day after day, day after day.
JB Glossinger [00:13:52]:
Next thing you know, you're living a life that's totally different than you started with. Is it gonna be perfect? No. Are things gonna happen? Yes. But you gotta challenge yourself and challenge the way you're doing things if you're not happy. If you're happy, great. Hey. Let's keep moving forward with that. Let's continue to grow because if you're not growing, you're dying.
JB Glossinger [00:14:11]:
You know, if a tree is not growing, it's dying. Same thing with us. If we're not moving, as sir has told me, one of my mentors and train you know, and coaches, movement is life. If we're not moving, that's when things happen. And we see that with older people. Right? They fall down, they break a hip. Man, that's a really bad thing. We can't move.
JB Glossinger [00:14:29]:
It's a tough thing. So we wanna keep moving forward even if you're happy. We wanna just add more joy, more energy, more excitement, more contribution because the world needs it as we continue to progress forward. So consistency this week. What do we gotta do? Just show up. Just get here. This system is built for you to just show up. If you show up and do the coach cast and organize a little bit every day, just I can't even tell you where you're gonna be.
JB Glossinger [00:14:57]:
But if you don't show up and don't do it consistently, then we're gonna have issues. Just is what it is. You got to get systems in your life that are consistently working with you, and you gotta believe in them and you gotta continue moving consistently forward. Doesn't mean you might not backslide and you will, but you just get back up and get back into the system. Okay? So let's get to it today. It's gonna be a great week. Lots of love to you. Sticking with it.
JB Glossinger [00:15:21]:
I'll be back tomorrow to get you started right here on morning coach.com as we're getting into our book study and putting good energy out every single day. Lots of love to you.