JB Glossinger [00:00:06]:
Gooooood Morning and welcome to MorningCoach® today. I am so glad you're with us. Hey. It's JB. Super pumped you're here. I'm excited about this month. We're kinda checking your plan and understanding where you're at. That's what, you know, it's like, why the heck am I with morning coach? Because here's the deal, we're helping you with your plan.
JB Glossinger [00:00:33]:
Okay? Meaning you should have some movement forward right now. And if you're not, we need to get motivated. Alright? And that's what we're gonna do this week. That's why I like February because we we we lose the motivation. We we start to maybe things aren't working. Maybe they are. Maybe you're just killing it. Right? And if you if you are, it's great.
JB Glossinger [00:00:50]:
But maybe you're not. Maybe you're feeling like you're running in quicksand. Well, we're gonna get excited. We're gonna get motivated this week. I've got some great lessons for you. In fact, we're going to start off today with getting motivated. We're going to talk about Stu's book tomorrow a little bit, take a break for motivation, but talk about income. And then Wednesday, we're going to get into why do you lose focus and how you get focused? And And then Thursday, we're gonna talk about energy and getting that energy back.
JB Glossinger [00:01:13]:
Okay? And then on Friday, we're gonna see we're gonna talk about staying motivated when you don't see the results. One of my friends, Seth Godin, who I met years ago, wrote a book called The Dip back in 2007. We're gonna talk about that dip. You're gonna wanna be there for that one. Saturday, doctor Paul is dialing it in. He's getting better and better. We're working on our our on what we're doing together. We're getting long it's I'm just excited about what we're doing with doctor Paul.
JB Glossinger [00:01:36]:
And then finally, we're gonna talk about life and time, and we're gonna talk about the importance of nostalgia. I know it sounds like why isn't nostalgia important? Join me Sunday because we're gonna go over it. It's gonna make your life better when you understand it. But some real quick things. I gotta acknowledge some people. So Karen Locker's really been taking a bigger role, in helping us organize our business structure. In fact, we're working on, Sacred 6 for business. We're implementing a lot of things with us with a mission of 800 new wonderful members here at Morning Coach this year and building the best online coaching and and support system.
JB Glossinger [00:02:14]:
Right? It's totally a system what we're building, and we've got some big things. Big plans with that is our vision. By this time next year, we wish wanna have this wonderful system in place, where we're working together and seeing things working for you. With that being said, Karen has done a wonderful job of helping organize that, and I just wanna make that point. Ken, has been doing our designing on our new planners and systems that you've seen that are getting better and the longevity antiaging, that's in beta right now and some of the the things that are happening. Great, great, wonderful people. And then International Inner Circle, it's really a consortium of great people that are coming together really excited about what they're doing, excited about doctor Paul, excited about what we have coming for you. And I don't wanna let the cat out of the bag.
JB Glossinger [00:02:58]:
Why why would why would you wanna put a cat in a bag anyways? But, you know, I have no way of hiding secrets. We have an incredible new system coming. March 1st grand opening. We're gonna obviously, our morning coach members in a little bit earlier. If you wanna participate in beta, let me know. I'm excited. I I'm just motivated. Why? Because we've got something that's literally gonna be awesome coming, and I'm excited to share it with you.
JB Glossinger [00:03:24]:
So take that energy for me today and use it in your own life. And like I always say, you know, not always, but this year, it's like 20 years, and I finally understand. Like, it's weird. It's all coming clear. And there's an aspect of attrition, especially in the world that I'm in and kind of motivation in that area. If you look at the people that are very successful, right, in this in this industry of of, I guess, coaching and motivation and that personal development, it's people that have been here for years years, and it's Tony Robbins, Les Brown. I mean, it's and so now here I am 20 years later, pretty excited about it. I am, you know, and and it's a testament to what we do.
JB Glossinger [00:04:03]:
It's a testament to our plan that if you just execute every day and work a little bit better, all of a sudden, the things that you dreamed of come true. You know, I dreamed of impacting people as Zig Ziglar did to me. Zig Ziglar was the first book I read when I was 16, and and a health teacher brought in, see you at the top. Book changed my life, changed my life. And I said, gosh, I have one dream, and I have a dream to do what Zig did. And, God has blessed me. It's amazing. And so you're here, and if, you know, you're not here, I couldn't do what I'm doing, but Karen and Ken and doctor Paul and all the inner circle consortium and the people that we're working with, just amazing.
JB Glossinger [00:04:41]:
I mean and and you. I mean, everybody. I just love you, and I want you to take this energy today and go forward and get motivated because that's really what we're talking about. So mark the calendar. March 1st, we are opening morning coach up. It'll be the grand opening of a new system that we're doing with morning coach that is telling you you're gonna absolutely love it. Our biggest issue is overwhelm. We're gonna talk about overwhelm today.
JB Glossinger [00:05:07]:
We're gonna take the overwhelm away. We're gonna make this an individual process for each person systemically taking you to the life of your dreams. I'm so pumped. Okay. Well, let's talk about motivation anyways. Right? Let's how do we get motivated? Well, we gotta clarify our purpose. That's our mission and our vision, right? So our mission is the thing that we're doing, and the vision is who we're going to become. And I say that a lot because it's so important because once we clarify that, we can move forward with it.
JB Glossinger [00:05:37]:
And in full disclosure, this is something I haven't done with the business. Right? We always build and we get excited, but this is the first time that we've really identified, look, what is the mission? What are we doing over the next 12 months? It's like, okay, let's bring 800 more wonderful people in the morning, coach. How do we do that? And that's where we start to break down our goals and our projects and our tasks because that's the big overall goal. And then anything that doesn't affect that, anything that isn't helping us do that, get rid of it. Right? It's not important because that is the mission, and that's where we get to say no more. And then the vision is to see this becoming this wonderfully huge program that's a system that people which we we're working with some companies right now that they can just plug it in. Right? And we can work with everybody. And I can then, from a personal vision standpoint, see myself as as as doing what one of my mentors or many mentors have done, Zig Ziglar.
JB Glossinger [00:06:30]:
There's a couple mentors of mine, just so you know, and this is where my clarity comes from. Zig Ziglar was a big one less Brown Tony Robbins. Those guys are all mentors to me. There's women too, and and there there's a lot of energy in it. It's just my space has always been such masculine energy. Right? And we're getting a lot of women involved, which is which is which is great. You know, Catherine Ponder is getting out there. Susie Orman, Gabby, there's you know? And but it but it is one of those things.
JB Glossinger [00:06:55]:
It was all masculine energy. So I have a lot of mentors that are masculine. And, but another one is Johnny Carson. And the reason I love Johnny Carson was his delivery. And his whole idea was, I just wanna help people better their lives by coming home and watching something fun. And I just love that. That's my journey is to make your life better. Right? And so looking at my mentors and going, wow.
JB Glossinger [00:07:17]:
You know, I'm becoming that influence, and I hate that term influencer. But if I can be an influencer that makes people's lives better and help them perform and do great things, it excites me. Right? So that's where I'm saying clarify your purpose. And you've gotta really, really understand and set achievable goals that we've talked about and really start saying no to the stuff that's not bringing you there. Now do you have to do some things for money once in a while? Yes, depending on where you're at in your life, there are things that you're going to do. But we've gotta organize that and structure that so that you can start to visualize the success you're going to have. So again, going back to Neville Goddard and getting metaphysical, right? Seeing the end, visualizing the end at hand. I'm visualizing all those members in here that we're working with and making their lives better, the companies that we're working with, and then visualizing not only what I used to visualize with Zig and his redhead, he called his wife as redhead, but visualizing my life that way and seeing that happening and visualizing that statue next to Saint Francis down in Columbia, that huge, huge facility where we're saving all those animals.
JB Glossinger [00:08:24]:
Right? I'm visualizing that. When I'm gone, long gone, 200 years from now, there is gonna be somebody go, who is that guy? What did he do? Right? Oh, that's the guy that donated the money to get this started 200 years ago. Hopefully, they don't tear my statue down. Right? I'm not doing anything bad. Right? That's just kind of a joke. I thought, hey. If we're not having fun, if we are not having fun, if you take everything so serious, man, you gotta enjoy this process. Okay? So, anyways, where am I statue up there? And and and I I'm visualizing that.
JB Glossinger [00:08:53]:
Visualize the end, see things happening. Once you do that, k, now we've got a we've got the structure. We've got the energy. We know where we're going. Then what we gotta do is create those routines. That morning ritual, that morning routine that we talk about so much, self care, listen to coach guests, get those 7 Ps organized, and work the planner. It's all here for you. Right now, we're checking the plan.
JB Glossinger [00:09:15]:
If things aren't working, we're gonna make changes. Change the routine. If things aren't working, switch it up a little bit. I gave up alcohol. It is awesome. My energy levels are off the charts. I feel so good. I've mentioned this the last 2 years.
JB Glossinger [00:09:29]:
I've never done it. I'm writing more. I'm creating more. We're bringing new systems. My dreams are coming true. It's a wonderful feeling. It's hard when they're not, and I get that too. That's why I'm here.
JB Glossinger [00:09:44]:
Many times in my life I've seen it, I've thought I'm on the right path. I remember building our morning coach, our our first inner circle mastermind, the one that was $45,000, team of 10, ego taking over, becoming Tony Robbins, doing big events at the Fort Lauderdale Convention Center, flying all over the world, to speak. Only to look in the mirror and go, I'm not happy. I'm not happy. And you know why? Because I wasn't doing this work. You know, the work that we do and the work that we teach as you become a teacher really comes from the fundamental life lessons that you learn. And it's when I may I I got to that point or the pinnacle of success, which I've had a few times in my life. I did it in corporate where I was buying and selling companies.
JB Glossinger [00:10:31]:
And I mean, buying and selling aircraft and then running companies and helping companies merge in in my early thirties, like just rocking it. That was really successful, and I'm going, this isn't what I wanna do. And then building a business that I thought I wanted and realizing that's not what I wanna do. And now having team meetings, right, with the team, and many who don't know Alistair, but Alistair is the one that were really helping us with our marketing and another person that needs to be mentioned that's helping us. And, obviously, Tracy, many of you interact with, and the team grows, but we're keeping it tight and lean from past life experiences. But here's the key. I know what I want. And going back to the motivation is, if you know what you want, you can get crystal clear and you go forward.
JB Glossinger [00:11:15]:
And I know a lot of people hear that and will call bullshit. Excuse my language. Right? Because we hear it so much about focus, but it's so true. But if you're not doing the work that we're doing every morning and digging in and figuring out what you want and really working at it, we'll never get there because what happens is you'll get to a place, and and we'll all do it, and you you'll turn around and go, this is not what I want. So we gotta back pedal a little bit, make some changes, and go a different direction. That's just life. And then you'll wake up one day and you'll be like, okay. Now I'm finally here, like, I think, and then things will change again.
JB Glossinger [00:11:48]:
K? Right now, just me for my life personally, we need to grow a little bit more because I need to get back to Florida. Okay? I put an offer in, gotten a bid, but it's gonna take more revenue than I thought, and I'm investing heavily in the business right now, so we do need to grow. And it's just part of it, that's just me. So I have my plan, I have my routines, and I don't have time for a 2 day bender or a 2 day hangover, I just don't have time. So marathon training, prep, being the best I can be, being the leader that I need to be is motivating enough. Now once you do that, you start getting out there and guess what you do? We start to establish your routine, you get focused, you start moving forward. And what do you do? You you leverage accountability. How am I leveraging accountability? I'm telling you my mission.
JB Glossinger [00:12:34]:
800 people in morning coach. We have close to 300 right now. Okay? So we wanna bring 800 people in, so we need 600 more. I wanna bring 800 new people in. Okay? So it means we gotta work. There's stuff that needs to be done. This is not a inexpensive program. There's somebody that doesn't understand it.
JB Glossinger [00:12:53]:
But to somebody that really understands it, they realize how much value they get. So we gotta get out there and move and market and then be accountable. I gotta be accountable to you. Right? So when we put things out there publicly, you leverage accountability. Doing a 3 hour and 30 minute marathon is brutal, but I put it out there, so I gotta do it. Gotta run every morning even when I don't want to. I mean, there's rest days, but man, it sucks. Right now it's cold, I gotta get on a treadmill, It sucks.
JB Glossinger [00:13:19]:
But we need some accountability. And as we move forward, we start celebrating the small wins. Really important. And you surround yourself with inspirational people. You realize that everybody is on some type of pathway, and it's a roller coaster for all of us. K? No matter what it is that you're doing, it's a roller coaster. And as you move forward, you focus on the environment. One of the big things that I did is I got a new big whiteboard.
JB Glossinger [00:13:44]:
I have 3 of them. I'm a whiteboard guy. Right? I if I'm not don't have my whiteboard, I might be come back from football coaching, drawing the circles, but, man, I need to map everything out. So I got me another big whiteboard. Been working on that whiteboard, changed my environment by putting a whiteboard so I could see things, visually see things, and then transfer them to, to the computer. We wanna focus on progress, not perfection. Keep moving forward. Keep moving the ball forward.
JB Glossinger [00:14:11]:
Attriculate it down the field. Okay? That's what we need to do. And then I want you to revisit your why. Why are you doing this? Why am I doing this? Because I wanna serve. Yes. I have people pleasing qualities. I think I do. I think because I was an only child, and my mom suffered so much that all I wanted to do was to make her happy.
JB Glossinger [00:14:33]:
You know? And I think, you know, that's why I am the way I am today because all I wanna do is see people happy. All I wanna see is you live your best life. All I wanna see is you have the motivation to do something different today. All I wanna see is you say, okay. I'm ready. Let's make some changes. I don't care how old you are or how young you are. I don't care if you're 90 years old.
JB Glossinger [00:14:53]:
You can still make impact. You can still make a difference. You can still build something. You can still find the energy. And who knows, maybe it's even about you. Maybe it's about that one person that you believe in, that you brought the energy to, that you changed their life, and all of a sudden they changed the world. Because the truth is, how do we change the world? One person at a time. That's how we change the world.
JB Glossinger [00:15:15]:
And that's the only way we're gonna do it is if we come together and we start pushing towards our dreams. And how do you do that? Buy into our system. Get here, listen to the coach cast, work on your planner. I know, look, there are times when things aren't working the way you think they're supposed to work. I wrote my first book, and it was a disaster, but that book is what led me to this day. And we've gotta understand that life is a really screwed up journey, right? But you gotta love it. You gotta love when you fall down. You bang your knee.
JB Glossinger [00:15:50]:
It hurts, man. It hurts, believe me. There's times I just cry, But you'd wipe off those tears, you dust off yourself, and you get up, and you start going again. That's what really works. And then all of a sudden, you wake up and things are starting to happen. You're like, oh my gosh. Wow. Or you wake up and go, this isn't what I wanted.
JB Glossinger [00:16:09]:
But if we keep progressing forward and look at our why and look at our mission and look at our vision and we keep getting that clarity and adjusting it accordingly, it'll come. It'll come. So I love you bunches. I really do. Let's let's keep the energy going. Let's keep the positivity out there, and let's make it a great day. I love you. Let's get off to the week to a great start, and I'll be back tomorrow right here on morning coach.