JB Glossinger [00:00:08]:
Good morning. And welcome. Good morning, coach. Today, I am so glad you're with us. Hey. It's JB. Super pumped you're here this Monday to get your week going. February 10, 2025.
JB Glossinger [00:00:25]:
It is a check month. Yeah. We're still doing things, but we're looking on our plan. Where are we at? What's happening? How are things going? Is time going really fast? Are you on track with your health? Are you staying on track with your productivity? If not, let's slow down. Let's step back, take a look at what's going on as we get an episode 5603 because we're gonna talk about action this week. We're gonna talk about stopping procrastination and really focusing on your journey. So before we get started, remember your morning ritual. Take time for self care, listen coach cast, Plan your day with those 7 p's and organize your day with the planner.
JB Glossinger [00:01:00]:
Let's get organized. Okay? So we can move forward. And with that being said, then we've got to start taking steps forward. And so what we're gonna do, we're gonna talk about getting over procrastination and making things happen today. Then tomorrow, we're stepping back into predictable profits, our book study, going through a few chapters in the book. Then we're gonna hammer what do you need, what do you personally need, and how to find out, like, how do we set these daily priorities? And with this being said, the new system that we're working on that I'm excited about, we're launching March 1st, and some of you are already in beta, is gonna be based on you. It's a personalized system based on you. It's really exciting.
JB Glossinger [00:01:35]:
I'm super pumped about it, but it's really gonna go along with Wednesday. Like, what the heck do I need to work on well? We're going to go over that Wednesday to go over some ideas Thursday we've got the s JB. We're going to talk about the balance of surrendering versus pushing Where do we find that and what do we do okay? How do we handle that Friday? We got stress and not taking action. You know? When we need to pull that Band Aid off. You know? A lot of people are just stuck in inaction, and you get stuck in data and you don't move, we gotta get moving. Right? We're gonna talk about that Friday. Saturday, we're we got doctor Paul as always. And then Sunday, we got so what? You know, when we're when when you're writing a book, you know, and you're with an English professor, they usually just keep saying so what? What does that mean? Well, we're gonna talk about that in life.
JB Glossinger [00:02:17]:
What is important with time and life? Don't miss Sundays because they're really becoming deep, and they're a really good day to kinda step back and look at what am I doing with my life and how can I enjoy it more? And in order to do that, we've gotta focus on your improvement, and we have to realize we don't have to be the best in the world, but we gotta get get better than we were yesterday. As I'm working towards my marathon goal and really working hard towards that, you know, that 3:30 and become one of 1500 people in the world, like, just totally lead athletes do that at my age, 55 to 60 to compete at at the Boston Marathon, I have to work hard, and I have to improve. I don't have to be the best in the world, but I gotta get better every day. And that's what I work with my pro golfers and my CEOs and a lot of the private clients I have. It's like, we don't have to be the best. Let's just keep getting better every day. That's what morning coach is about, and that's why we're here because we wanna get you better. And one of the things that holds us all back is procrastination.
JB Glossinger [00:03:11]:
And procrastination is a challenge for a lot of people, but it is possible, right, to to to to end procrastination. But there are some reasons why procrastination happens, And a lot of it has to do with overwhelm. So just like I said, we're studying Stu's work to learn how we can provide resources for you. We're also working to be able to get the procrastination gone so you could take more action. You see, morning coach over the years has evolved in multiple different ways. You know, I used to teach metaphysical concepts, then I went to business. And then as I was teaching business, nobody would take action. I mean, I literally sold 1,000 and thousands of courses on how to build.
JB Glossinger [00:03:49]:
Right? And part of the build is to have a retention system that's based on podcasting because that's what I've done for years. I could tell you that thousands and thousands of people I worked with, very few people. I'm talking on my hands that I could tell you actually took action and did it. Everybody else just got the education. So my dream and and and what I'm really working on with our systems that we're building, and thank you for being a part of this because it's allowing us to build these systems, is to create a system where when I talk to people, whether it's Karen or Alastair and or anybody in my group or I go to my masterminds and I go, how do I get people take action? How do I get people to take the next step in the things they do? How do we get them to take that next step even when they have education? The number one answer I always get back is it's their responsibility. Right? And I get that. There is personal responsibility. I can only what is you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink.
JB Glossinger [00:04:42]:
Same thing when we're building a healthier lifestyle, a wealthier lifestyle. I can give you all the education in the world, but if you procrastinate and don't take action, you can't move forward. So the evolution of Moring Coach has gotten us to this place where we've built a planning system. I wrote the Sacred 6. The whole concept is to get you to move and do things. And one of the number of reasons that we're learning even working with Stu and his team is that overwhelm is one of the number one reasons that people don't move forward. And so a lot of times with what we're doing, there's obviously overwhelm. You know, it's episode 5,603.
JB Glossinger [00:05:17]:
There's a lot going on here. And if you just start, there's a lot of overwhelm. So to help you with procrastination, to help you get clarity, that's what we're building the new system for. The new system looks at what you're doing and what's going on in your life and then gives you the content based on that, not on everything. Now if you wanna go get everything and go listen to 5,600 episodes, which I think is a total waste of time, you can do that. Where I want you to be is directed and focused on what you need to do. We're gonna talk about this Wednesday, really important. You know, what should you be doing and what should you be working on? And it changes consistently.
JB Glossinger [00:05:50]:
That's why you need to be in a program like morning coach that's working with you consistently because there's gonna be shifts in what you're focused on. And as you focus, let's say you have a health issue. All of a sudden, you gotta start shifting to focus. Well, we gotta go into our health stuff. You gotta search for that and also maybe tell our system and our team that, hey. I need help in this area, and the content will be delivered to you. Very powerful. But it goes along with any procrastination.
JB Glossinger [00:06:14]:
Right? So we're building that right now as we speak, and the concept is to get you to be stop being overwhelmed and be able to isolate tasks that are gonna make the most impact in your life. So when we procrastinate, there's some reasons. 1, we're we could be overwhelmed by too many things going on, which we're working with you to get a mission and a vision so you're not overwhelmed and you know what direction you're going so you can say no to certain things. There's other things that are boring or unfulfilling or don't give you energy. Right? And that's the constant thing that I'll say every year as we start building our plan is what has given you energy and what's taking energy. And year after year, you're adding more things that give you energy and taking things away that take energy to where eventually you're just optimum. Right? You're you're really getting yourself living a life that you want to live. You're developing a a a a a individual responsibility to your actions of what you want, and you're starting to become the best person you can be, the best life that you can be.
JB Glossinger [00:07:11]:
And then it's just a matter of making subtle changes. But we gotta find those things that that give you energy. And then a couple other things that happen to a lot of people is they're afraid of failure or perfectionism. Again, I talk about the business model, and we're gonna get into ILD big time this summer. We're creating a whole new system for that. I'm really excited about that. It's gonna be amazing. But one of the things, again, with ILD, a lot of people don't move forward because they're afraid.
JB Glossinger [00:07:35]:
Their perfectionism kicks in and they don't get their book out. They don't do the things they need to do and they they fall back. Okay? And another thing is we've got to identify the cause that helps the right solution. So when you study problem solving, okay, problem solving 101 is make sure you're working on the right root cause. If you're not, you're not solving the problem. And that's what a lot of people do. They don't look at what the initial problem is. If you're procrastinating and not living the life you wanna live, your system's broke.
JB Glossinger [00:08:07]:
There's something not working in there. And this isn't OCD about having the perfect system like, oh, my Remarkable has to work perfectly on my iPad or the planner. It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the priorities that you have put in place, and they are not serving you. You're not working on the right things day in and day out, okay? And that's why I scream about the morning ritual morning routine. My life changed, and please stop everything right now. If you're doing something running, go ahead, keep running, but just listen to this. My life changed when the priority of self care came into my life.
JB Glossinger [00:08:44]:
Let me repeat that. My life changed when self care became the priority in my life. Why isn't it that why isn't that typically the the number one thing? Because we are working on the wrong things, trying to get the right system, trying to to to get you know, do all these different things when the truth is you just need a little self love and a little self care. And when you do that, your your brain wakes up. Like, you start to see the world differently, and all of a sudden, the the dust clears, and you finally have the right system in place. See, morning coach isn't just about productivity. It isn't. It's not just about a planner.
JB Glossinger [00:09:20]:
Drives me nuts to even think about this. This is life. It's critical. Like, it's so important that you understand what we're doing here, and it's about you finding the right solutions to the situations that are holding you back. And, again, slowing everything down, self care changed my life. Why? Because when I started doing self care, I got out of the anxiety and frustration of doing a million things and I could slow down and actually breathe and go, I feel okay. I'm feeling better. My house is getting better.
JB Glossinger [00:09:49]:
My energy is coming up. Now I can structure things differently. Okay. So when we look at procrastination and why we're not taking action, a lot of times it's because it's not deliberate practice that we've talked about so much. It's not deliberate action. It's just we're staying busy. And we feel like I got so much going on when nothing is going on. We're just busy.
JB Glossinger [00:10:13]:
Busy is not going to give you the best life in the world. If I just stay busy on the computer all day, I am serving no one. You know, when you work in corporate, you can get away with that. Right? You can get away with that if you're pulling a paycheck and you just go in there and you stay busy. The boss comes in, oh, I'm busy. What are you busy doing? You're moving one piece of paper to the next over to the other pile. Are you really doing anything? And see, that's the value orientation that we need to get to. That's the root of the problem.
JB Glossinger [00:10:42]:
So we've gotta start looking at our lives and realize it's not some system, even though that helps. What's really going on is a lack of prioritization. It's a lack of understanding what are the things that I need to do to take the steps to get better that is going to lead to better results for my life? What are the skills and talents that I need? What are the talents that I have, and how can I apply skill to that talent to help me start living my life? And can I think differently than the way that I've gotten here? Like, if I'm thinking about things the same way that I'm here in my life and I'm not happy and I'm procrastinating and I'm not living a great life, then change. I know it's hard, but that's what we've got to do. And the sooner you change, the better. I was working with one of my pro golfers, and he called me up and said, JB, I think it's time. I'm 31 years old. Doesn't look like this is gonna work out.
JB Glossinger [00:11:36]:
I've been in Korn Ferry. PGA didn't come in. I want a career. And we started talking about the problem. Right? The problem is he could stay in golf and be an instructor and kinda go down that path. 31 years old. Right? And he could just procrastinate, not get any new skills, not look at things he could do. And this is somebody that's an international business major, speaks 2 languages really fluently, is solid, can go out there and play golf with anybody because he's a pro.
JB Glossinger [00:12:05]:
And I said, you know what we need to do? We need to find an industry of high dollar where you can work, and in the next 2 to 5 years, really blossom at a really high level. Right? Instead of being an instructor where you're just stuck at that level forever, let's find something, whether it's banking, whether it's yacht sales or aircraft sales, but some high level position that you can go play golf, which is a talent, utilize that to further yourself by creating value in the business world because you're sharp, because you're smart, and you could build that. What an enlightening conversation. Change lives in literally 15 minutes. And that's life. Like, it's the commitment that you need to make to make the changes in order to live the life. And here's the secret. Most people don't do it.
JB Glossinger [00:12:56]:
Most people don't. It's sad to me. You know, I'm on Facebook and social media and I'm always coaching. That's what I do, you know. That's my job. And, I just see so many people that watch what I do and they get kinda jealous or they just get angry and they don't do anything. And it's, like, just do something. Move forward.
JB Glossinger [00:13:18]:
Why why can't I get you to move forward? And I'm tired of hearing when I go to these big meetings with great coaches. Why don't people take action? Well, it's their responsibility. I get that. To a point, how can we get you to move? How can we get me to move? How can we all move better, faster, to live a better life? We get so complacent. We all do. Right? And the truth is to be great, we gotta have targets. We gotta go after things and do things. But if you're not, you just kinda fall into life, and we're gonna talk about that.
JB Glossinger [00:13:54]:
You know, on Thursday, we talk about, should I just surrender instead of push? There's a balancing act there. There is. But it's my hope today as we get into this that we're moving forward and taking action based on strategy and structure, based on a mission of what we're going to do and a vision of who we're gonna become. And so we can move forward in faith instead of procrastinating. And we can be doing things and realize that a lot of things aren't gonna work, and that's okay. We're learning constantly as long as we're applying the morning coach principles and we're doing these things together. And you'll come out of this so awesome, but you got to be willing to put the work in. Again, nothing drives me more nuts when somebody comes in for a trial for 13 days and said, oh, I tried it.
JB Glossinger [00:14:37]:
It's not for me. If you think you can change your life in 13 days, I got some land in Europe that I'm gonna sell you for 1,000,000,000 of dollars. Let's focus on you. Let's focus on the reality of the long game. Let's focus on taking it day by day and being disciplined enough to get the information. Put the plan together so you can execute, and you can move forward. And we're gonna continue to create tools because that's my dream. My dream is that anybody that's here, remember, if you've heard me, I say our leads are gold, but our clients are diamonds.
JB Glossinger [00:15:09]:
And I want every diamond in here polished. I want every diamond to have the best that we can possibly do, and we do that by doing our best and going forward in action, not in not taking action. You've got to take action, not in inaction. And then we learn as we take action. Education only gets you so far. We gotta move forward. What do they say? You know, we've heard it's cliche for a reason. The journey of a 1000000 miles, what, starts with a single step.
JB Glossinger [00:15:37]:
Let's start taking some steps today. Alright? Okay. I love you. I'll see you over at morning coach.com. I'll see you in the community. Make sure you keep checking over there because there's a lot of new stuff going on, and I wanna make sure you're a part of that as we come up to our really grand reopening launch March 1st. Okay. Lots of love to you.
JB Glossinger [00:15:54]:
Let's get off to a great start, and I'll be back with you tomorrow right here on morning coach.