Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

How to Gain Willpower determination staying motivated willpower Feb 02, 2022

What is willpower? It's the power to do what we need to do when we don't want to do it. That might sound like a contradiction, but it's not. We all have things we need to do but don't necessarily want to do, such as getting out of bed early in the morning, going to the gym, or studying for a test. W...

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Types of Motivation to Help You Succeed motivation staying motivated success Feb 01, 2022

There are many different types of motivation that you can use to help you succeed in life. For example, some people are motivated by money, while others are motivated by power or fame. Finally, some people are motivated by more noble causes, such as helping others or making the world better. Whichev...

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How to Gain More Self-Discipline consistency discipline focus personal growth staying motivated success Jan 30, 2022

Self-discipline is one of the essential skills that you can possess in life. Without it, you will find it challenging to achieve your goals and make lasting changes in your life. Therefore, it's essential to practice self-discipline if you want to succeed. This blog post will discuss tips to help yo...

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Keep on Doing Something You Love personal growth positivity staying motivated Jan 09, 2022

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I love what I do!"? What if we told you that it's easier to feel motivated and passionate about your work if you're doing something you genuinely enjoy? It might sound like a no-brainer, but it's true. For some people, the thought of going to work each day is eno...

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How to Gain Greater Determination in Life determination life personal growth staying motivated success Jan 07, 2022

No matter what you want to do in life, it's vital that you are determined enough to reach your goals. This article discusses how to gain greater determination in your life so that any goal is possible for you.

Great determination equals a successful life.

In life, it's normal for us to set goals t...

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Celebrate Your Small Successes positivity staying motivated success Jan 04, 2022

Do you have big goals that seem just out of reach? It's easy to feel discouraged and give up when we don't see our desired results. But what if I told you about a little secret? Successful people celebrate their small successes, which motivates them to pursue their bigger goals. In this article, we'...

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Rewarding Yourself personal growth rewards staying motivated Nov 22, 2021

Rewarding yourself for achieving your goals is an essential aspect of goal-setting. It's easy to get discouraged when you see how far away your goal appears, but rewarding yourself along the way can keep you motivated and on track. This blog post will explore the benefits of giving yourself small re...

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How to Commit to Something commitment personal growth staying motivated Nov 18, 2021

We all know the importance of committing to our goals. The problem is we don't always know how to do it. We spend so much time planning out what we're doing that when it comes time for us to commit, something gets in the way and stops us from following through with it. You can plan all you want, but...

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Just Get Started personal growth procrastination staying motivated Nov 15, 2021

It is essential to take the first step towards achieving something. Doing anything will get you closer to your goal than doing nothing at all, and this can apply to any aspect of your life.

Just start doing something.

Have you ever found yourself putting off doing something because you don't fe...

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How to Get Back on Track personal growth positivity staying motivated Nov 01, 2021

Being able to get back on track after experiencing a setback is crucial in making progress in life. No matter how big or small, setbacks are inevitable, and you must know how to deal with them when they come around.

To help, we've compiled some of the best ways for getting back on track in this ...

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How to Hold Yourself to the Highest Version of You personal growth self-confidence staying motivated Aug 27, 2021

This blog post is about how to hold yourself to the highest version of yourself. It's all about self-improvement and personal development. We all have a vision of who we want to be, but are we striving for that? This article will offer some helpful tips on getting started and staying motivated on...

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Assumed Constraints letting go personal growth positivity staying motivated Aug 17, 2021

The human mind is a powerful tool that has the power to shape our lives. But, unfortunately, it can also be a limiting factor because we often have these assumed constraints in our minds that prevent us from making any progress in life. However, it's not too late. In this blog post, we will discu...

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