Compound Interest For Your Mind Blog

Why We Fear Death death fear worry Jan 02, 2023

Death is a natural process that happens to everyone. Though we all know this, we often fear death and the unknown that comes with it. Why do we have this fear, and what are some of the reasons why we fear death? This blog post will explore the psychology behind our fear of death and discuss some...

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Is Rule by Fear Effective? fear leadership Jun 07, 2022

Rule by fear is a way of governing that can have disastrous consequences for an organization and its people. When those in positions of power use fear to control their subordinates, it can lead to widespread anxiety, paranoia, and mistrust. This leadership style can also impede creativity and...

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Fear of Change: What You Can Do About It change fear personal growth Dec 20, 2021

Change is inevitable, and you should embrace it because of its possibilities. But, of course, we all have fears--some are irrational while others are genuine. But so what? It's time to stop letting fear dictate your life and start embracing change.

Why do we fear change?

Change is the only thing...

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If You Knew Who Walked Beside You fear personal growth positivity spirituality Nov 17, 2021

You know that feeling when you walk alone in the dark, and you start to feel frightened? That fear is not only present when we are by ourselves. You can also feel it in moments of uncertainty at work or home. But what if there was someone beside us who could support our endeavors? What if we...

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Dealing with Inner Demons - Catastrophic Thinking catastrophizing fear personal growth Oct 14, 2021

Do you ever feel like the world is out to get you? That everything that goes wrong is because of your fault and bad luck? If so, then the chances are good that you suffer from catastrophizing. Catastrophizing can be a self-destructive mindset that limits what we can achieve in life and holds us...

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How to Overcome the Fear That Is Holding You Back fear personal growth Sep 21, 2021

We all have fears. It's a natural part of life to be afraid of certain things. The problem is that some people don't know how to overcome their fear, and it can hold them back from doing the things they want in life. This article will discuss some ways to overcome your fears to live a more...

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